New Hausen Doors and Windows and New Haoxuan

New Hausen doors and windows and new Haoxuan are two different brands. But they are all Foshan brands, and thousands of consumers are easily misunderstood. New Hausen doors and windows should be the same boss and group as fuxuan doors and windows. Because we saw that the address of new Hausen doors and windows was in the industrial park of fuxuan doors and windows.

At the same time, the registered company is: Foshan Nanhai fuxuan doors and windows curtain wall Co., Ltd. It can be seen that new Haosen doors and windows are the same as fuxuan doors and windows.

Xinhaoxuan door industry was established in 2009. We found that fuxuan doors and windows were truly registered in 2015. At the same time, the legal persons of the two enterprises are different, but now the addresses are in the same industrial park. According to this, the new Hausen doors and windows somewhat mean the name of anti-New Haoxuan. It may also be that you want to use the name that has been completed to improve your operation. The above is that we can understand their relationship.