Fuxuan Doors and Windows and New Haosen Doors and Windows

Fuxuan doors and windows were registered in 2015. We checked it on the official website of New Haosen doors and windows, saying that Foshan Nanhai fuxuan doors and windows curtain wall Co., Ltd has its company name, and new Haosen doors and windows is a brand name.

Fuxuan doors and windows registered company is Foshan Nanhai fuxuan doors and windows curtain wall Co., Ltd. It can be seen that they are the same company, but they are operated by different brands. New Haosen doors and windows should have just been established, it should also be the brand name established in 2018. There is still very little information on the Internet, and there is basically no query. It can be seen that the promotion is not countless and has no influence. Similarly, we can really find that they were established in 2015. Now we check on the map that the address of fuxuan doors and windows is the same as that of new Hausen doors and windows. At present, fuxuan doors and windows are OK in the industry, and there are many advertisements. People in the industry should know that. Especially Foshan. However, few people know about new Hausen doors and windows. At the same time, there may be more people who know new Hausen, but these are two different companies.