Is Yidun Doors and Windows a Listed Company?

For this problem, we marked on the official website: Enterprise Equity Code: 367933. As shown in the following figure:


At the same time, we also found a report on their application for market on the official website. As shown in the following figure:


The report said that on the morning of November 20, 2017, it was listed in Shenzhen Qianhai Equity Trading Center. However, when we searched "equity code: 367933" on Baidu, there was basically no relevant report information, only the relevant articles published on their official website. As shown in the following figure:


If a brand enterprise goes public, it is impossible to have so much reported information. With these problems, we went to the Oriental wealth network to check it. The following figure shows that there is no relevant information.


It can be seen that enterprises may plan to go public, or the conditions required for listing are not mature. There are reports that their shares have not yet issued a specific purchase plan. It is also said that it can be listed on the main board in the next 2-3 years. Up to now, we can think like this that Yidun doors and windows are indeed on the market, but individual households have no way to buy them. Enterprises can advertise themselves as listed brands.