Guanhao Doors and Windows and One Meter Sunshine

Both are Foshan Doors and windows brands. One Meter Sunshine doors and windows adhere to the original design concept of home doors and windows independent brands. Guanhao doors and windows focus on creating high-end living environment.

Date of establishment

One-meter sunshine doors and windows entered Foshan Nanhai Shishan recruitment Park in 2006. By 2014, the new industrial park will be moved to the new industrial park. The Sunshine Industrial Park will be moved to Foshan Sanshui center Science and Technology Industrial Park. The new industrial park will focus on product research and development, production, office, life services, comprehensive production base integrating recreational facilities and garden style. It is said that this industrial park was built solely by one meter sunshine doors and windows.

Guanhao doors and windows were established later. We found that Foshan kelesler doors and windows Co., Ltd. was registered in 2012 and was located in Shishan town, Nanhai district, Foshan City. The local name of lianbei community village, "Mengtian" was self-compiled No. 6.

Development Scale

From the time of establishment to the scale of development, one-meter sunshine doors and windows are better than Guanhao doors and windows. One meter sunshine doors and windows have their own independent industrial park, which is more abundant in the whole brand matching. Although Guanhao doors and windows have not been established for a long time, they have strict requirements on product quality and wrong after-sales service. At present, the development of enterprise brands is also good.

The above are some situations between the two brands. You can know more about them.