What Does Pin Glue Injection Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Look like

Recently, many customers asked about the casement window pin glue injection process. For a long time, due to the complexity of the Casement window production process and the different processes of each brand, therefore, few manufacturers have fully displayed these technologies in front of consumers. Today, in order to let everyone have a more comprehensive understanding of the glue injection technology of system doors and windows, it is better to explain pin and glue injection to everyone.


When it comes to pin glue injection, there are actually two different concepts. Pin is an accessory, while glue injection is a technological process. To understand these two concepts, first of all, we need to popularize the fastening method of the window link. The window frame and Casement are composed of four sides, while the link fasteners of the four-side profiles are called corner codes. According to the different technological level of the window, angle codes are divided into active angle codes and overall angle codes. Some low-end small factories directly use screws to connect without angle codes. Only the stability of doors and windows connected with angle codes can be guaranteed.


(Activity angle code)

The movable angle code is composed of two pieces, which adopts screw link and comes with a locator. It is simple and convenient to use, economical and practical. It is currently the most commonly used connection method in the door and window industry. However, the single screw used for the movable angle code is tightened. During transportation and the use of the window, looseness and dislocation may occur, resulting in gaps and deformation of the window frame or Casement. After a long time, the sealing, sound insulation and wind pressure resistance of the window have been reduced. Therefore, in some high-end products, more advanced integral angle codes have been used to replace active angle codes, or add another stainless steel stator to fix it.


(Overall angle code)

As the name implies, the overall angle code is a whole without a locator. It needs to be fastened and positioned by two pins. Because of its strong structure, the overall angle code is driven by automatic equipment. Compared with the movable angle code, the connection method of the whole angle pin perfectly solves the problem of loose movable angle pin and greatly improves the performance of the whole window. Do we understand here, pin, in fact, it is an accessory for connecting and fastening the integral angle code and the profile. Generally speaking, pin is actually a combination of locator and screw, that is, positioning the angle code. At the same time, it can also be connected and tightened like screws, but its stability far exceeds that of screws and locators.




(Pin Drive)

Finally, it is said that glue injection is specialized glue used for filling between the angle code and the profile. The professional name is angle glue, just like the traditional mortise and tenon joint connection structure of Chinese furniture. Before connecting, it is often coated with high temperature resistance waterproof adhesive on the contact surface between mortise and tenon, which can make the connection more firm and not easy to loosen even if it is impacted. Secondly, it can be more sealed by filling, however, the glue injection of doors and windows is the same in function as the wood glue of traditional mortise and tenon structure in China. It is also to improve the stability and sealing of windows, but the glue injection technology of doors and windows is more professional.


Theoretically, both movable angle codes and integral angle codes can be injected with glue. However, in actual production, doors and windows that inject glue into movable angle codes are rare, while doors and windows that use integral angle codes and pins are generally high-end products, pursuing more excellent performance, therefore, the integral corner code and pin are usually injected with glue to improve the service life of doors and windows, and at the same time, the sound insulation, heat insulation and wind pressure resistance of Windows are correspondingly improved.


Features: the waterproof performance of pin connection is better.


The two-component glue added as shown in the following figure can ensure the sealing performance and make the connection stronger.
