Aluminum Alloy Doors and Windows Installation Contract Download

Manufacture and installation contract of aluminum alloy doors and windows

Employer :(Hereinafter referred to as party A)

Contractor :(Hereinafter referred to as party B)

In accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the construction law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws, regulations and bidding documents , combined with Construct contract and the specific situation of this project , party A, Party B and party C follow the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness and honesty and credit. , engineering aluminum alloy doors and windows manufacturing and installation construction matters consensus , agree to enter into this contract , the agreement reached is as follows: :

I. Overview of the day :

1. Project name :

2. Project address :

3. Project scale : the area of aluminum alloy doors and windows is about (The size and area of the completed opening shall prevail).

II. Construction scope of this contract :

Manufacture and installation of engineering aluminum alloy doors and windows. Processing and manufacture, transportation, on-site coordination, on-site installation, on-site cooperation and acceptance, maintenance and replacement caused by quality problems, technical guidance and training, and finished product protection, etc.

Carry out the construction according to the progress of party A.

III. Contract price

l. The project is based on the agreement signed between Party A and the owner. , the total settlement between party B and the owner shall prevail.

2. Party B shall be responsible for the direct cost of the project. , all expenses such as acceptance.

IV. Rights and obligations of all parties

1. Rights and obligations of party a

(1) assignment As Party A's site representative , and entrust the supervision company, Party B and party A to jointly supervise and inspect the quality, progress and acceptance of concealed works. , handle design changes, Visa payment and acceptance procedures , be responsible for coordinating the cooperation and cooperation among all construction units on site.

(2) provide party B with the site and water and electricity connection points required for construction , elevator for construction and scaffolding meet party B's reasonable construction requirements , and explain the precautions for use.

(3) organize project acceptance according to the contract , and handle the completion settlement according to the time limit agreed in the contract.

(4) party a is responsible for data improvement , do all the information about settlement with aluminium windows.

(5) after installing the door and window frame , party A is responsible for filling cement mortar at the gap between the doors and window frames and the walls.

2. Rights and obligations of Party B :

(l) Party B, supervision company and party A are jointly responsible for supervising and inspecting the quality, progress and acceptance of concealed works. , be responsible for coordinating the cooperation and cooperation among all construction units on site.

(2) enter the site for construction according to Party A's requirements , and organize the procurement, transportation, protection and other work of semi-finished products in advance. , actively cooperate with civil engineering schedule requirements.

(3) according to Construction Safety specifications , take technical measures such as construction Security , ensure the safety of field staff and third parties , responsible for the protection of field type facility and finished products.

(4) accept the supervision and management of Party A and the supervision company , and obey Party B's arrangement of the overall project schedule and construction coordination.

(5) construction shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved processing drawings and the current national construction and technical acceptance specifications. , ensure project quality and contract duration.

V. Construction safety assurance measures

1. Safe and civilized construction , put an end to death and severe accident. In case of accidents such as casualties, Party B shall bear all losses.

2. Implement safety first , the policy of giving priority to prevention , do all kinds of protection work well , safety production should be regular, institutionalized and standardized.

3. Conscientiously implement various safety management systems , resolutely put an end to illegal command and illegal operation , party B shall continuously carry out safety education for its employees. , and timely check , eliminate hidden dangers in a timely manner.

4. Obey Party A's management in safe production and civilized construction , and actively cooperate.

VI. Payment method of contract price

Party B will directly negotiate the payment method with the tobacco bureau for this project. , party A shall deduct 18% of the project payment according to the amount of each payment. , the rest shall be paid directly to Party B by the owner.

VII. Supply of materials and equipment

1. The specifications and quality of equipment and materials purchased by Party B shall conform to national standards, design drawings and the requirements of this contract. , the brand and origin should be consistent with the tender , if it does not match , party A and the entrusted supervision company have the right not to accept. Party B shall bear the losses and expenses caused by the quality problems of materials and equipment.

2. Party B's agreement on purchasing materials :

(1) aluminum alloy window profile selection , Series profiles. Aluminium windows wall thickness of main profile should be determined by calculation or experiment , comply with relevant national standards. The wall thickness of the window is 1 .4mm.

(2) the external color of the profile is confirmed by Party A .

(3) glass is Production , double White single steel hollow glass , the technical performance shall conform to the national or relevant industry standards. The size and installation position of doors and windows shall be in accordance with the technical specification for application of architectural glass and the requirements of specific drawings. , select insulating glass conforming to relevant national standards.

(4) door and window hardware :

a . Handle :.

B . Casement window sliding scale :.

c . Sliding window pulley :.

(5) installation of doors and windows The method is fixed.

(6) the sealing method of the gap between glass and aluminum alloy is silicon sealant, ensure waterproof effect.

(7) the technical grade, gloss and appearance quality of various materials shall conform to the design drawings, Party A's requirements and the current national industry standard superior product requirements.

(8) the wind pressure resistance, air tightness and water tightness of the window shall comply with the relevant provisions of the current state and industry.

VIII. Insurance

Party B guarantees : handle accident insurance for all management personnel and construction personnel entering the construction site of this contract project.

IX. Number of contract copies

This contract is made in duplicate. , party A holds one copy , party B holds one copy ,.

X. Supplementary terms

1. Party B must ensure that the construction and installation of the project are undertaken by it. , no attachment or subcontracting in any form , otherwise, once discovered , party B shall pay liquidated damages to Party A at 20% of the provisional total price of this contract. , and party A has the right to unilaterally terminate this contract immediately. , party B shall also compensate party a for all losses caused thereby.

2. Project quality : the project implemented by Party B shall be evaluated by Party A in the monthly comprehensive inspection attended by the supervision company. , it must meet the qualified standards stipulated by the state and meet the contract requirements.

Party A (official seal) Party B (official seal)

Legal representative (signature or seal) . Legal representative (signature or seal)

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