Is Ou Zhe's Doors and Windows a Product of the Royal School?

Is ou Zhe's doors and windows a product of the Royal School? The answer is invested by the same boss. As shown in the following two sections.



At the same time, the official website said that the Royal School was established in 2007, while the OU Zhe doors and windows were established in 2014. It can be seen that ou Zhe doors and windows were established later than the Royal School. It can be said that ou Zhe doors and windows are products owned by the Royal School. Now we are offline or online outside the home, and the advertising of royal doors and windows is more than that of OU Zhe doors and windows. It can be seen that the boss still wants to vigorously develop royal doors and windows. Ou Zhe doors and windows are products owned by the Emperor. The following are some reports on the Internet:

As a subsidiary of Emperor School, ou Zhe is positioned at the high end and takes the first-class route. Ou Zhe is a high-end brand of Royal School, which is the same company and different brands. It is the same company with different brands and two different brands. Ou Zhe is very important to operate high-end German doors and windows, Sunshine rooms and curtain wall products.