Defects of Guangqian Wooden Door

Guangqian wooden door is a trademark name applied for registration by Shanxi Guangqian Wood Industry Co., Ltd. in the State Administration of trademark. Guangqian wooden door has a factory of more than 50000 square meters, covering all parts of north China, Central China and Northwest China.

Speaking of the defects of Guangqian wooden door? In fact, on the whole, Guangqian wooden door has basically no defects. If there is no good enough, there may be the following points:

The variety of styles is not enough

Guangqian wooden door is an early brand enterprise. The wooden doors produced are heavy and can withstand long-term use. In terms of brand innovation styles, it may not be rich enough. Unlike some wooden door brands in southern Guangdong, various styles are often introduced, including European and American. But the quality of their doors is really good.

Southern after-sales problems

Because the brand is in Shanxi and belongs to the Western brand enterprise, if the Southern users buy it, there will be problems, and the after-sales service will be more difficult. After all, their distribution points in the South are still relatively small.