Quanyou Tiantian Wooden Door 315 Exposure

We checked some related reports of Quanyou Tiantian wooden door and commented as follows:

Q: just ask quanyou, do you dare to buy the wooden door every day?

A: I didn't see the door from November, 2016 to May, 2017. I was confused. I have been pushing back for ten days and twenty days under various excuses, the decoration in the house was stopped for several months, waiting for his door! It's really broken into slag. Is there no reason to cheat consumers like this??? I don't believe that our family has encountered such a situation?

Quanyou's door said that customization cannot be returned, so you are so angry that you will not pay for your life. Yes, every time there are all kinds of excuses. It's really annoying. Bad merchants who don't care about credit say that it's all kinds of excuses to give me double compensation every time. It's not easy to do business, but it's really sad to be a human being!

Quanyou Tiantian wooden door owes consumers an apology

Ms. wang, who lives in the family hospital of henan agricultural university, complained that on october 21, 2014, she bought 4 sets of south-east district at the fenghuang store of quanyou tiantian wooden door at no. 54-56, solid wood door, fenghuang city, zhengyi road, zhengzhou city, the unit price is 2480 yuan, the door model number is 6108, the material is solid wood, the color is red oak California red open color; The household set is a three-party single package, the total value is 10712 yuan (ten thousand yuan, one hundred and one yuan).

In December, 2014, when Quanyou wooden door was installed on the door, Ms. Wang found that the material of the wooden door provided by the other party was extremely inconsistent with the material ordered by herself. She immediately negotiated with the other party. The other party had a bad attitude, refused to admit it.

In desperation, Ms. Wang complained about this situation to the provincial consumer association. They contacted the industrial and commercial office near Phoenix to be in charge of mediation (a director of the industrial and commercial office), during the mediation, quanyou admitted that they changed the wooden door material privately and said that we would compensate us for the loss of 2,000 yuan. We did not accept it and the mediation did not continue.

On may 17, 2015, a department manager of quanyou wooden door contacted ms. wang again, admitting that all the wooden doors they provided were not made of solid wood, and he refused to compensate me for the loss of 5,000 yuan, which I did not accept.

Since march 10, 2015, ms. wang has been to the provincial consumer association for many times to reflect this situation. They have not solved it. The above is the whole story.

Ms. Wang believes that the fraud of Quanyou Tiantian wooden door has seriously damaged her economic rights and interests. She asks Quanyou Tiantian wooden door Phoenix store to compensate for all economic losses in accordance with the Consumer Rights Protection Law and apologize face to face.

Complain to all friends, don't buy wooden doors every day, who will regret buying them!

Complaint details:

Recently, the home has been decorated, and the front is still smooth, but now it is ready to install the door, and the annoying thing is coming.

I thought I could solve the problem as much as possible, but I was really angry with the wooden door every day, which made me have to come and publish my own experience, lest someone suffer these inexplicable things like me.

Around August 2, I called the Tiantian wooden door store at South Gate Pomeranian to ask when the wooden door was well done. The sales can be done by replying to me on August 15. I asked, "Can I install it almost on August 17?". She replied "yes" to me ".

Because the time of the door has been approved, of course, I have arranged the installation time of the floor and the whole wardrobe one by one.

On August 14, I checked with the sales about the date when the door was installed. At this time, she began to cheat on me, saying that she had never promised that the door on august 15 could be done well.

I am dizzy. How can I know such an exact time before you say the date of august 15?!!!

What else can I say when I meet such a shameless person who does not admit what she said? I can only hope that she can do a good job of coordination, at least try to reduce my loss (I always don't want the time of the floor and wardrobe arranged before to be delayed indefinitely).

Follow this sale and say to me, "the factory said that the goods should be loaded on Saturday. If it is convenient, the goods will be delivered to Chengdu on Saturday and delivered home on Sunday"

I said, "OK, I'll contact you on weekends"

Next, the best thing comes.

On Saturday, the sales unexpectedly told me "Monday", what attitude!!!

It's Monday. Let's see how the wooden door every day properly solved the problem for me-on Tuesday, the goods were delivered from the factory to Chengdu; On Wednesday, they were delivered home; On Thursday, they were installed.

Look, from the previous saying that it can be done and shipped on august 15, to today's statement. Five days later.

In addition, no one will ever answer the national service phone number 4008891377 of Tiantian wooden door, which makes me unable to find a channel to complain. Is this an enterprise that wants to operate well!!!!

Then, today, Wednesday, see what the actual situation is? The delivery master just called and said, "deliver the goods tomorrow, install the day after tomorrow". My

God !!! And alive from Thursday to Friday. Then, the person who sent the door asked the door to pay the final payment when it was delivered.

I'm in a hurry. Your door hasn't been installed yet. How do I know whether the quality is good or not? (400 can't get through forever. If the door has quality problems, wouldn't I have to complain to heaven?!!!) Therefore, payment is required after installation. Look at their service-hang up my phone!!!!

I took the exam!!!! f ******* k!!!!!

What I want to emphasize is that if you can't set a specific installation time for the wooden door every day, please don't make any promises at will. Your casual words will disturb all the time arrangements behind the decoration people!!! At the same time, I also hope that after my work mistakes, I will try my best to make up for the work, and don't have a bad attitude!!!! Today, one person is not satisfied because he bought something from your home. Tomorrow, more people will be equally dissatisfied.

I hope this post can remind you to minimize similar friction in every aspect of decoration.

Tiantian wooden door, especially the store of Pomeranian South Gate, should be cautious!!!!

Q: How about the wooden door of Quanyou every day? I heard from my friend that the quality is poor and the service is poor. After I bought the door and installed it, it was broken by the installation worker, and then I went to the company to maintain it. As a result, none of the promised things were fulfilled. After four or five times of repair, the attitude is extremely bad every time. I don't know how the quality service of this wooden door is?

A: The installation master you meet is the one who is out of the way. No matter how good the product is, it is hard to meet this kind of master. Besides, the maintenance of wood products is quite troublesome. You have to find a professional repair technician! I also heard that it was not so good, so I didn't think much about it. This brand is really not good, and its reputation is not very good! The quality is too bad, there is smell!

Swarthy merchants -- Quanyou Tiantian wooden door, cheating consumers, solid door becomes hollow door!!!!

We ordered Quanyou Tiantian wooden door in the group buying activity in 2013. At that time, we bought a group buying ticket with 100 yuan, which can offset the payment of 100 yuan, at the time of ordering, another foreign affairs paid a deposit of 1,000 yuan, and the document for paying the deposit stated that it was solid wood finger-connected Wood and door set, and we also took a photo of the door we ordered.

At that time, we did not decorate for our own reasons. By the end of 2014, we informed Quanyou Tiantian wooden door for measurement. After measurement, it was several months later, in May, 2015, we were informed to pay the full amount. At this time, various problems and various price increases came. First, we said that our wooden door is too high and we need to add money. Second, door set does not include edge lines, if the edge lines need to be made into solid wood finger connections, you also need to add money. Finally, it means that the door cannot be made into all solid wood finger connections. A large part of the middle is the keel. The reality is solid wood composite door, OK, at this time, we were still very calm. We called the customer service staff of Quanyou Tiantian wooden door to ask questions about super high and door set. As a result, the customer service replied that the super high of the door was calculated according to the door leaf, no more than 2060 is not too high, but we measured the height of the rear door leaf should be 2040, and then door set the customer service replied that door set is matched with the edge lines, and door set is connected with solid wood fingers, the lines over there should also be connected by solid wood fingers.

Well, we recorded this consultation call and went to the north gate Fuson again to find the theory of Tiantian wooden door. As a result, the aunt of Tiantian wooden door ignored all kinds of evidence we provided completely, I have been answering different questions and pushing off all kinds of things. Finally, we got angry and asked for a refund of the deposit, but what is even more unacceptable is that the wooden door aunt unexpectedly said that the 100 yuan of the offset payment cannot be refunded, then we have to bear the measurement fee and the handling fee generated by refund and transfer. It is really outrageous. They are all kinds of deception from beginning to end, and all kinds of changes have to let us bear the consequences caused by their breach of contract, quanyou home, as such a big home company in Chengdu, would make such unbearable disgusting behavior. I strongly recommend that you do not buy home in this store. It's so fucking disgusting!!!!!!

These are some bad reports found online.