Wang Li Security Door Incident

In August 2004, dozens of suspicious burglaries occurred in Taiyuan city one after another: the doors and windows were intact, the scene was in good order, and the large items were safe and sound. Some careless owners didn't find out until the police came to ask: cash was lost, the Passbook is gone, the gold and silver jewelry is gone...... Later, more owners found that their homes were soft and inexplicable, and they could not vent their anger. Then they doubted each other at home and thought that there was a thief.
In December 2004, a criminal suspect named Wang Junjun (alias) was captured by Taiyuan police at Kunming airport. A few days later, his partner Liu Yu (alias) was arrested. With the explanation of the two, the "inexplicable" theft case together revealed an amazing inside story.
On March 8, 2005, the reporter met Wang Junjun and Liu Yu at the detention center of Yingze district, Taiyuan city. In the face of the reporter's questioning, they "frankly" The Secret of easy entry and frequent success: Training "induction", special key, and the first choice of the target "Wang Li" security door.