DOMA Automatic Door Wiring Instructions

1. The power supply is not connected, and the power is not sent, which leads to the failure to run. Solution: re-power.

2. Automatic doors solution to sensor failure: Release the induction wiring, press the "test key" door to operate normally, and remove other suspicious parts, and update speed controller.
3. Speed controller solution to failure: remove the induction wiring and press the "test key" door for many times to check the wire connected to the motor. Update speed controller after excluding other suspicious parts.
4. Solution to safety light failure: if the safety light wiring is removed, the door can operate regularly, update the safety light or speed controller, and eliminate other components with suspicious problems.
5. Motor failure solution: remove the induction wiring, and after pressing the "test key" door for many times, it can not operate normally, check the wire connected to the motor. After updating the motor and eliminating other components with suspicious problems.
6. Due to the external connection of other access control equipment, an error signal is sent out. Solution: remove the access control wiring and press the "test key" several times. When the door is in normal operation, the connected access control equipment should be overhauled or updated.
7. Door body stuck solution: Check door body structural deformation, check the damaged load-bearing components, and reinforce or update the components.
Common faults and troubleshooting methods of DOMA automatic door:

The first thing to talk about here is the pseudo fault of induction automatic door (translational automatic door automatic door), which refers to the fault caused by external factors, not the fault of the unit components. If it is a false fault, you can easily repair it yourself. Of course, if it is judged that there is indeed a problem with the electrical appliances or machinery inside the main engine, we still recommend that you contact the distributor, they are responsible for troubleshooting and replacing accessories for you, because each manufacturer has special accessories for each manufacturer, which are mostly incompatible with products of other manufacturers.

Common pseudo-fault 1: The door leaf stops running (not moving) * first check whether automatic door unit is sent *.

1. Check whether the moving door leaf has mopping phenomenon. If there is this phenomenon, it is very difficult to start the door. Main controller, it will mistakenly believe that there are obstacles and the operation protection effect will stop the door leaf.

2. Check whether the spreader pulley part of the door leaf falls off from the track. If this phenomenon occurs, the unit will not move. It is common that this fault often occurs after people (objects) collide with the door leaf.

3. Please pay attention to whether the sensor automatic door is equipped with "safe Light". Due to the dust coverage on the light receiver, it will also cause misoperation, which makes the automatic door Main control mistakenly believe that there is an object in the middle of the door leaf, so as to stop closing the door and do not move.

Common false fault 2: The door leaf keeps switching by itself

1. There may be moving objects entering the sensing range of the sensor, such as pedestrians, vehicles, colorful flags, potted plants and other things shaking, and even the reflection of strong light may cause misoperation of the sensor.

2. Check sensor probe to see if the detection range of sensor probe is adjusted too downward, and when the door leaf is closed, the sensor senses the moving door leaf. The sensor device mistakenly believes that there is an object moving, even the door leaf opens again.

3. Check in detail to see if there are strong electric waves emitted by objects near the sensor automatic door, because strong electric waves may also disturb the sensor and cause misoperation.

4. Check whether the stainless steel cover plate on the beam has jitter phenomenon, because if the cover plate jitters, the sensor installed on it will also shake accordingly, resulting in misoperation of the sensor and the door leaf will keep switching.

Common pseudo fault 3: The door leaf is loud and not smooth when walking (this fault often occurs on automatic doors that has been used for a long time)

1. The spreader pulley of the door leaf has constant wear due to long-term operation. If only slight wear occurs, you can clean the track and pulley once (clean up the dust of the track); You can also add a little lubricating oil to the bearing of the pulley, however, please be careful not to add lubricating oil to the surface of the automatic door track and pulley, because it is easier for the track to stick dust after adding oil, thus causing the pulley to be damaged faster; And the spreader pulley is prone to slip, trap door occurs.

2. Check the hardware spreader of automatic door. If some spreader connectors are loose, you only need to reinforce them.

3. Check the land wheel (stopper) at the bottom of the door leaf. If there is any loose or damaged sound, Please reinforce or replace it.

Common pseudo-fault 4: slow response of mobile door leaf

1. The detection range of the sensor is small.

2. There is dust inside the sensor, just clean the sensor.

3. The door body weight of the moving door leaf exceeds the bearing range of the automatic door motor, which will also cause this phenomenon.

Through the above summary, I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of DOMA automatic door maintenance. The popularization and application of automatic door have changed people's awareness of protection and improved people's concept of safety and health. In addition to beautifying the entrance and exit environment, automatic door also has the functions of energy saving (air conditioning), dust prevention, sound isolation, etc. In the future life, automatic door will be more widely applied to all aspects of our life. Understand automatic maintenance methods, increase maintenance experience, and ensure safe use.