How to Distinguish True and False Conch Plastic Steel Doors and Windows

How to distinguish true and false conch plastic steel doors and windows can be seen from the following five points:

1. Profile color. The color of real conch plastic steel door window profile is bluish-white; The color of fake conch plastic steel door window profile is white and yellow.

2. Protective film. The protective film of the real conch plastic steel door window profile is flat and wrinkle-free, and there will be no small bubbles; The fake conch plastic steel door window profile is handmade sticker, and it is common that there will be small bubbles, and you remove the film. The surface of the profile is still sticky.

3. Whether there is steel lining. Real conch plastic steel door window profile has steel lining inside; Fake conch plastic steel door window profile does not have steel lining inside. It is intuitive to see whether there is steel lining from the cut surface, but it cannot be seen from the outside. The way to distinguish is: take a magnet and suck it to the profile, and you can know if there is steel lining.

4. Type of profile: conch profile is divided into models, such as 80, 88 and 60 (series). These models are actually the width of plastic steel. Measure it yourself and ask the seller.

5. Anti-counterfeiting label. The anti-counterfeiting label of the real conch plastic steel door window profile is very clear, and it does not fade with water; The directional label of the fake conch plastic steel door window profile is fuzzy and black, and it will fade with water, and some even disappear. True conch plastic steel door window profiles have clear black computer code spraying on the surface, which is composed of "20 digits of CONCHXC production date". The codes on conch plastic steel door window profiles are pure to seconds, and the numbers after seconds are also different, so each meter of profiles is uniquely numbered, which cannot be fake. The steel seal in the window profile of real conch plastic steel door is relatively clear, and it is impact printer. Note that the English mark is conch, and the fake one is conoh.