Experience in Sound Insulation by the Road

If you can do something hard, you can do the following:

Install double layer soundproof window. Installing double-layer glass windows can reduce the external noise by half. If vacuum glass is selected, the sound insulation effect will be better. If conditions permit, try to choose casement window, because the sound insulation capacity of casement window is higher than sliding window, 2 to 3 decibel.

Roughen the wall. If the wall is too bare, it will easily generate echoes, thus increasing the volume of noise. Therefore, it is better to make the wall surface rough in the street-facing room, for example, choose wallpaper, Art Stone and other decorative materials with better sound absorption effect.

Thickened street wall. When decorating the room, you may as well add a layer of gypsum plasterboard to the wall facing the street, fill the wall with sound-absorbing sponge between the wall and gypsum board, and then paste wallpaper or paint the wall paint on it. If you do the above, sound insulation is no longer a problem.

How can the houses beside the road be soundproof? I 'd like to give you a suggestion: raise a few more pots of flowers on the windowsill. Broad-leaved trees and shrubs can be used to reduce noise, which has been widely used in urban greening.

Hang a thick curtain. It is better to choose a set of curtains with thick texture and many folds for the bedroom, which can effectively absorb most of the noise. Experiments show that the sound absorption effect of draping and tiled fabrics is almost the same, so laying carpets in the room can also absorb environmental noise.

You can stick the sound insulation board on the glass, which is the most XINGX points. If you are extravagant, you can handle all the walls near the roadside with sound insulation materials, and then soft cover one wall. The price will be up. In fact, you can complain to the relevant departments, they will do sound insulation on the highway.

For rental houses facing the street, there is no way to make sound insulation measures in the process of hard installation (such as sound insulation ceiling, sound insulation wall layer, sound insulation archway wooden doors, etc.), you can try the following simple methods: thick curtains, soundproof earplugs, noise blocking sleep earplugs.

Thick curtains.

How to choose: the most important thing about curtain sound insulation is the material, and the thickness has little effect. Velvet curtain has the best sound insulation effect, while fiber curtain has the worst effect. In addition, discount will also have sound insulation effect. You can also install two layers of curtains, one layer of pleated shades, and one layer of thick velvet curtains, so the combination effect will be better. (PS: My home has two layers, and the sound insulation effect is relatively good.)

Disadvantages: in real life, velvet curtains may only be effective for medium and high frequency sound waves and weak for low frequency sound waves.

Soundproof earplugs.

How to identify good or bad: the index to measure the sound insulation performance of an earplug is called NRR(Noise Reduce Rate Noise reduction decibel). The higher the NRR value, the better the performance. However, the actual effect is also related to the earplug size and the user's meatus acusticus size.

1) slow rebound effect

The elasticity is too large, and it compresses the skin of the external auditory canal when it expands ear plug, which can cause discomfort such as ear swelling and ear pain; If the elasticity is too small, it cannot be in close contact with the external auditory canal, thus reducing the sound insulation effect. Therefore, the rebound speed of earplugs must be observed. The longer the rebound time, the better the quality.

2) softness

Softness directly affects the comfort level of earplugs.

3) surface texture

Some earplugs are sticky to the touch and will stick to meatus acusticus of the skin when worn in the ears. Avoid buying them as much as possible. The best way to identify is to stick the two earplugs tightly together and then separate them. The sooner they are separated, the better.

Disadvantages: the use of earplugs may cause earwax to be pushed into the middle ear while the earplugs are inserted meatus acusticus, which can cause tinnitus, weaken hearing, pain or bacterial infection. Some wear will feel uncomfortable. (Ps: for example, I, but noise and discomfort can be taken lightly and I endure it)

Bose noise blocking sleep earplugs.

First, let's start with a Preface: the Lord's belief in Bose began with the deaf noise reduction of A20 and qc30. if he didn't wear it when he was sleeping, he felt that listening to music didn't affect his ear hearing very well. (As for why you need to wear headphones instead of putting them out when sleeping, it is the same as that of you, after all, it is not alone. Playing music outside affects someone more)

Sound insulation principle: As the name implies, it is not to shield all noise by physical means, but to isolate it with natural sound effects, so that users can quickly enter sleep in a stable external sound source state.

Wearing feeling: the earplugs are softer in texture and more skin-friendly in material. During sleep, the earplugs can better fit the auricles while not resisting the auricles. (Personal test, lying on the side and lying flat will not bulge the ears.)

Safe and sound:

Impact on hearing: the maximum sound pressure level (SPL) output of this noise blocking sleep earplug of Bose is 70dBA, this is far lower than the 90dBA limit of OSHA in the United States on hearing impairment (four times the perceived loudness at 70dBA and 100 times the sound intensity), and will not cause hearing damage.

Recent usage:

Now I will wear Bose noise blocking earplugs before going to bed, play white noise regularly to cover the noise, and stop regularly after falling asleep. In addition, you can also set the alarm clock. This function is a little second, hey ~

This one I bought has 10 kinds of white noise. I heard that it seems that it will be constantly updated and expanded.