It's Still Noisy after Being Installed at Soundproof Window

It is still very noisy to install soundproof window. For this problem, we need to find out whether the soundproof window you installed is a regular soundproof window in the market and whether the effect after installation has improved. If not, soundproof window is real. If there is an improvement but the effect is not great, you can deal with it from the following points.

Use thick curtains to reduce noise

The best way to deal with noise is to seal the windows tightly. Whether it is a single window or a double window, sealing is the most important. The carrying capacity of the barrel is determined by the shortest wood piece, while the sound insulation effect is determined by the weakest link. From the current technical level, using plastic steel windows as sealing means is the most effective decoration scheme. For users who have already adopted aluminum alloy, they should ensure that the aluminum alloy frame sealing strip is intact. Relatively speaking, the sealing performance of aluminium windows is worse than that of plastic steel windows.
Sound insulation is not that it is OK to seal, but also depends on the sealing performance. Using hollow glass in plastic steel windows is a very effective method, because the noise pollution is often the treble part, while the treble is rectilinear propagation. Glass can make most of it reflect, hollow glass can consume the part without reflection. It is also possible to consume part of the sound energy by using thick curtains. This is a relatively concise method, but it is not a very effective method.
For the mid-bass generated by vibration friction, carpet or sound-absorbing sponge can be used to weaken their influence on the room. The installation of bed foot in rubber mat can also reduce a certain sense of vibration. At the same time, the mattress with palm pad is better than Simmons with spring.
Some Wall treatment methods can be used to achieve sound insulation effect. For example, some houses now use light-weight brick as walls. These materials have poor sealing performance. If the noise on the road side is very affected, you can make a light steel and gypsum plasterboard on the wall near the road, with sound-absorbing sponge interlayer inside, which can solve anacoustic problems to a great extent.

Indoor and outdoor sound insulation. If the house has been decorated, you can plant some plants on the balcony; Decorate the sound insulation and sound-absorbing layer on the interior and exterior walls; Don't underestimate the plants, the plants still have a great effect on noise, if you don't want to be woken up when you sleep late on weekends, you can try.

Wall sound insulation. Recommend is a relatively simple method: paste acoustic panel, sound-absorbing sponge, deadening felt, which is convenient, economical and practical; In fact, after decoration, it is also very convenient to paste these.

Soundproof doors and windows. Select heavy and hairy curtains. If it is a balcony, you can plant some plants and flowers beautiful and sound-absorbing curtains.

The sound insulation effect is good with special sound insulation carpet; If you don't want to be rejected downstairs, you can lay a layer of sound insulation carpet on the area where you often move at home.