Street Fantastic Soundproof Tool

Sound insulation method for Street Houses

1. Raise several pots of flowers on the windowsill

Broad-leaved trees and shrubs can be used to reduce noise, which has been widely used in urban greening. The function of purifying air is slightly weaker, which is not like Chlorophytum. Aloe vera is a versatile hand for purifying air. However, Monstera deliciosa has a prominent effect on removing formaldehyde from the air. In addition, Monstera deliciosa has the effect of absorbing carbon dioxide at night. It is of great help to improve indoor air quality and oxygen content. Plus Monstera deliciosa, it is common to have large plants and elegant shapes. The blade is relatively smooth and beautiful. So it is a very ambitious indoor plant. Monstera deliciosa fruits can be cooked when they grow up. It smells like pineapple or banana. Indoor plants that purify air 1: Ivy absorbs formaldehyde champion.

2. Hang a thick curtain

It is better to choose a set of curtains with thick texture and many folds for the bedroom, which can effectively absorb most of the noise.
Experiments show that the sound absorption effect of draping and tiled fabrics is almost the same, so laying carpets in the room can also absorb environmental noise.
3. Wooden furniture placed by the window
Due to the fiber porosity of wooden furniture, it has excellent noise reduction capability. When decorating a room, you may as well place wooden furniture such as bookcases and wardrobes by the window. It is also a good choice to choose wooden floors when decorating.
4. Install double-layer soundproof window
Experiments show that installing double-layer glass windows can reduce the external noise by half. If vacuum glass is selected, the sound insulation effect will be better.
If conditions permit, try to choose casement window, because the sound insulation capacity of casement window is higher than sliding window, 2 to 3 decibel.
5. Make the wall straightened. If the wall is too naked, it will be solved to generate echo, thus increasing the volume of noise. Therefore, it is better to make the wall surface rough in the street room, for example, choose wallpaper, Art Stone and other decorative materials with better sound absorption effect.
The ceiling can also be sound insulation materials, such as mineral wool acoustic panel.
6. Sound insulation of door

Window sound insulation skills 1. Stick the window sound insulation film The Sound insulation film is a multi-layer structure, and the sound insulation resin is sandwiched in the middle by polyvinyl butyral (PVB) layer. The whole intermediate film evenly distributes fine particles (heat insulation fine particles) with heat insulation effect. When the sound insulation film is used in buildings, the high-performance intermediate film sandwiched between the film has visible light transmission performance, so it will not block the visible light transmission rate of buildings and maintain a clear line of sight. Window sound insulation film is relatively cheap, and the usage is the same as that of mobile phone film. Window sound insulation skills 2. Install windows soundproof seal strip soundproof seal strip, which is only effective for windows with poor sealing. The price is also very cheap, but make sure whether the non-sound insulation is caused by the large gap of windows, otherwise, it is useless to paste it. The sealing strip blocks the gap of the window, which is the same as sound insulation cotton. Window sound insulation skills 3. Add a layer of ordinary plastic steel windows. This method is suitable for outdoor traffic noise is not particularly severe, and if the window sill in the home is relatively wide, A conventional plastic-steel window can be installed inside or outside the original window. Plastic-steel windows should be sealed well, and the cavity distance between the two windows should be more than 10cm. The sealing performance of casement window is better than that of sliding window, so it is better to choose casement window for the installed windows. This plastic steel window is relatively low in cost. Window sound insulation skills 4. Adding a layer of soundproof window soundproof window is generally composed of double-layer or three-layer glass with the same texture or different thickness of glass and window frames. The glass used will be thicker than the common window glass. Some soundproof window use specially processed sound insulation layer, or there is an aluminum alloy partition frame filled with desiccant between the sound insulation layer, and the glass components are bonded with sealant at the side; some use the principle of thermos flask to make balanced and compression-resistant condensed glass components that are transparent and light-picking, fill the window frame with sound absorption materials, fully absorb the sound waves of bright glass, and isolate the noise of each frequency band to the greatest extent. However, the price of this soundproof window is usually between 800 yuan/square meter and 1300 yuan/square meter, The price with ventilation device is higher. When purchasing, consumers should ask the merchant for a test report and check the sound insulation volume to judge. In addition, it is best to agree with the merchant in the contract to achieve the sound insulation effect of the window after soundproof window.
The higher the density of wood itself, the heavier the weight and the thicker the door plate, the better the sound insulation effect of the door.
1. Floor materials
Most floors are paved with marble, ceramic tiles or wood floors. From the data point of view, wood floor is most conducive to sound absorption, especially wood floor.
2. Calm sound absorption: excellent sound insulation. The unique structure of the plastic floor also makes it a special sound reduction and noise reduction material. When the special plastic floor is laid in the doves garden, it is like having a muffler. When children play, it can reduce the noise of footsteps and heavy objects moving, absorb the sound transmitted in the air, and create a safe educational environment for the doves garden.
How to choose soundproof glass window?
3. If the sound insulation glass has a hollow layer, the thickness of the hollow layer is generally about 6mm, 9mm or 12cm. If the hollow layer is too small, the sound insulation effect is slightly worse.
4. The adjacent two layers of glass in the soundproof glass structure should not be arranged in parallel. The glass on one side of the sound source has eternal inclination angle, so as to weaken the resonance effect and adopt soft connection between layers to avoid the sound bridge phenomenon, however, this kind of production method is quite complicated, and it is common to adopt parallel arrangement in real production.
5. It is better to use glass with different thickness for sound insulation glass, so as to stagger the frequency of coincidence effect between glass and weaken the influence of coincidence effect, this soundproof glass structure is generally used in places with high requirements for quietness or high external noise.

1. Stick the window sound insulation film The Sound insulation film is a multi-layer structure, and the sound insulation resin is sandwiched in the middle by the polyvinyl butyral (PVB) layer. The whole intermediate film evenly distributes fine particles (heat insulation fine particles) with heat insulation effect. When using sound insulation film in buildings, the high-performance intermediate film sandwiched between the film has visible light transmission performance, so it will not block the visible light transmission rate of buildings and keep clear sight. Window sound insulation film is relatively cheap, and its usage is the same as that of film.

2. Install windows soundproof seal strip soundproof seal strip, which is only effective for Windows with poor sealing. The price is also very cheap, but make sure that it is caused by the large gap of Windows without sound insulation, otherwise it is useless to paste them. The sealing strip blocks the gap of the window, which is the same as sound insulation cotton.

3, add a layer of ordinary plastic steel window this way is suitable for outdoor traffic noise is not particularly serious, and the window sill in the home is relatively wide, you can add a layer of plain plastic steel window inside or outside the original window. Plastic-steel windows should be sealed well, and the cavity distance between the two windows should be more than 10cm.