Top Ten Brands of Doors and Windows

It is not uncommon for us to query this situation on Baidu. We can find the following ranking situation: as shown in the figure:


From this, we can see that the top ten brands in the door and window industry are: Royal doors and windows, odik doors and windows, new standard doors and windows, fuxuan doors and windows, Hennessy doors and windows, PA Laide, Yu'an doors and windows, angler doors and windows, St. Barrow, xinhaoxuan doors and windows.

These brands are basically Foshan brand enterprises in Guangdong. Why are Foshan Doors and windows brands famous. There are several reasons:

I. Foshan has a good plan for home furnishing industry, including Foshan ceramics, Foshan Furniture, Foshan Doors and windows, etc. For doors and windows, Foshan has several large aluminum factory processing enterprises. Provide a good raw material foundation for door and window enterprises.

Second, Foshan door and window brand enterprises pay more attention to publicity and promotion. Basically, among the national door and window brands, Foshan door and window enterprises have the largest investment in brand promotion, we often see which doors and windows are advertised by CCTV, which are basically Foshan Doors and windows brands.

Third, Foshan is a place for brand development and has a good brand promotion plan. At the same time, it has a good industrial distribution environment.