Aluminum Clad Wood Doors and Windows What Is Good

Aluminum clad wood doors and windows as the handle of the door and window industry now and in the future, there must be many differences in essence and function from ordinary doors and windows (aluminum alloy doors and windows, plastic steel doors and windows), the lattice gentleman of langyu doors and windows shares how to choose high-quality wood in aluminum clad wood doors and windows. What are the essential differences?

Aluminum clad wood doors and windows is also a famous door and window in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, because it has good performance and high cost performance. I think everyone has learned some knowledge about aluminum clad wood doors and windows in some places, aluminum clad wood doors and windows has excellent air tightness, water tightness, wind pressure resistance, thermal insulation, sound insulation and other properties.

So how to choose aluminum clad wood doors and windows wood? The wood of aluminum clad wood doors and windows is generally willow, oak, walnut, pine, Rosewood, walnut, cherrywood and so on. According to the price characteristics of wood, the grade of wood is divided.

According to the characteristics of wood, it has the advantages of light weight, high strong weight ratio, good elasticity, impact resistance, rich and beautiful texture tone, easy processing, etc.

1. Naturalness: Wood is a kind of natural material. Among the four main materials of steel, wood, cement and plastic commonly used by human beings, only it is directly taken from nature, so Wood has low production cost, small energy consumption, no toxicity, no pollution, etc.

2. Wood can adjust temperature and dehumidify, and has good environmental characteristics.

3. High strength-weight ratio: the strength-weight ratio of wood is larger than that of common metals, that is, Wood is light and strong.

4. Thermal Insulation: the thermal conductivity of wood is very small. Compared with other materials, the thermal conductivity of aluminum is 2,000 times that of it, and the thermal conductivity of plastic is 30 times that of it. Therefore, Wood has good heat preservation performance.

5. Electrical Insulation: Wood has poor spot conductivity and is a better electrical insulation material.

6. Wood is easy to process. Tenon bonding, nail bonding and cementation are common among wood products, and various metal connector can also be bent and compressing after cooking.

7. The disadvantages of wood are inflammable, easy to decay, not resistant to insects, dry shrinkage and wet rise, etc.

8. Decorative: Wood itself has natural and beautiful patterns. As furniture and decorative materials, it is very decorative. Due to some unique characteristics of wood mentioned above.

In terms of characteristics: Oak is hard, Oak is softer than oak, and Pine is soft.

From the aspect of supply and demand: Pine has a large output, not only in Russia, but also in Northeast China. Oak has a large output in our country. In langyu, timber is mostly imported timber.

From the processing technology, the imported oak is far better than oak and pine.

In terms of appearance: Oak texture coarse ore is more classy and atmospheric.

Aluminum clad wood doors and windows combine aluminum alloy and wood to make materials accessories according to a certain proportion, rigorous manufacturing process, fit our usage habits, top-level aluminum clad wood doors and windows and high-quality hardware system.

Some people may ask questions, can aluminum clad wood doors and windows be installed after decoration? Of course.

Under normal circumstances, the doors and windows will be selected first, and then the decoration tone of the whole House will be set according to the doors and windows. You can also install aluminum clad wood doors and windows of this sound insulation effect for a single room. After decoration, it is also feasible to choose doors and windows. Langyu doors and windows can be customized according to your needs, with different sizes and patterns, aluminum clad wood doors and windows in different colors!