How about Buyang Security Door

1. Buyang safety door belongs to Buyang door industry of Buyang Group and has a certain position in the production of safety door. It is a professional security door in China. , security door, steel door, inner door, fire door and other manufacturers, with a large production base, and equipped with 11 international professional door production lines. The annual output of security gates reaches 3 million baht. In addition, Buyang has branches in the United States and Russia and has become a category service provider in Russia.

2. With its rich resources and rich experience in manufacturing safety doors, Buyang is unique in all aspects, including process and technology, and has always led its industry peers.

Buyang actively innovates the production of safety doors, introducing more than 10 series of more than 100 different types of safety doors, which can adapt to different environments and different architectural styles.

3. Buyang safety door frame is made of 2.0 thick zinc iron alloy plate, and is made of laser welding technology and full CNC flexible rolling line; Door leaf is made of 1.0 thick galvanized steel plate or zinc iron alloy plate, which is formed once by advanced machine. The facade is treated with imitation wood, which makes the shape of the safety door softer. , warm.

4. Buyang safety door adopts black diamond double-ring anti-saw lock Black Diamond anti-saw edge lock. The three-dimensional lock cylinder can effectively prevent theft, and the side lock can reverse the anti-hook membrane, effectively preventing the side lock pad and bolt from being impacted and deformed. Another locking function adds a line of defense to make it safer. The safety door adopts 88-thick door, and the door frame and facade are closely matched together through multiple grooves, thus the sound insulation performance of the door is remarkable.

Buyang safety door is made of red copper plated No. 6 stainless steel hinge. Invisible design is not only beautiful in appearance, but also durable and not easy to damage. Pure copper HD the door mirror, large viewing angle and exquisite appearance. Gold-plated handle can improve the level of safety door. The safety door sealing strip adopts PU coating, and the weather resistance can reach 20 years. Aging resistance, good sealing performance, good sound insulation effect.

The quality of Buyang safety door is very good, and the Buyang brand is very loud for more than ten years or two decades. Our family bought Buyang ten years ago. Except for the facade time, the color is a bit old. Other places are very good.

5. Equipped with security lock, it can resist abnormal opening for a period of time within a certain period of time. It has certain safety protection performance and meets the corresponding anti-theft security level. 6. The full name of the security door is "security door". It combines theft and security functions. According to the general technical conditions of burglary resistant safety door, you can use chisel, screwdriver, wrecking bar and other portable hand tools (such as hand tools and hand drill) to open the qualified safety door within 15 minutes, or open the mm on the 615 square door leaf. Open or open a 150mm square semicircle 38mm square opening.

7. The lock used on the safety door must be a special anti-theft door lock with anti-drilling function, which has passed the testing center of the Ministry of Public Security. The safety door can be made of different materials, but only the door that meets the standard test and obtains the production license of the safety product can be called the safety door.

8. Its door panel is made of galvanized steel plate of Shanghai Baosteel, and then processed by imported five-axis three-coordinate CNC machine tool. Large hydraulic press forms panels at a time.

9. Its surface treatment effect is very good. The surface of Buyang security door adopts imported phosphorizing liquid for high temperature Parkerizing. Phosphorizing liquid protection can increase the tolerance of acid and alkali.

10. Its Side Lock is reinforced, so the safety door can be made stronger and tamper-proof. Independent internal insurance allows users to use it more conveniently and safely,.

11. Its internal skeleton is made of steel material, which makes the door stronger and improves the anti-riot performance.

Two. Tips for purchasing Buyang safety door

1. When purchasing, you can see the anti-theft label. The security level of the security door is defined by the status. It is set to "A,B,B,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D,D. However, there are many Class A safety door products on the market at present. You can see the security door level from the anti-theft label. For example, the anti-theft level is A, and the door frame is engraved with the "A" mark. Many "cheap copy" security doors do not have such marks. When selecting on-site, you can ask the salesperson to open the door to see if there is a slope on the left side of the door frame. 2. When purchasing, you can also see the thickness of the steel plate. Generally speaking, the thicker the steel plate, the better the quality of the security door. The minimum thickness standard of anti-theft door steel plate is 1.5mm. The simplest way to judge the thickness of steel plate is to "push it to and knock it". Sliding door, steel thick anti-theft door is difficult to push, thin anti-theft door is lighter. Knocking at the door, the sound is very thick, dark and firm, crisp and empty, it should be fake.

3. When purchasing, locks are also the key part of purchasing security doors. To distinguish whether the door lock is good or bad, first of all, it depends on the number of locked control spindle. Generally, two locks control two plungers. OK. Security lock is divided into two-level A, B. B- level door locks have relatively strong anti-theft performance, which means that professional locksmith can spend no less than 5 minutes to 10 minutes to open the door.

4. Safety door filler is also the key point of purchase. Good safety door filler has the functions of insulation, fire prevention, sound insulation, etc. It is not only safer but also has certain protection for door leaf and better protects privacy. Currently, regular safety doors on the market are mainly filled with rock wool or honeycomb paper. The "cheap copy" security door will be filled with ordinary cardboard or inferior cotton. Therefore, when purchasing, you can ask the salesperson to open the cat's eye, doorbell box or handle and other places to see what is inside.