The Noise on the Road Is the Loudest on Several Floors.

Houses near the road are usually between 7th and 8th floors and 20th floors, which are the most noisy and the noise pollution is the most serious. From these floors, they begin to decline down or up according to the floor. Because noise is not blocked by obstacles in the middle layer, propagation is the least loss, so these floors will be the most noisy.
The noise pollution forms received by the high-rise and the low-rise are different. The noise pollution of the low-rise is not only noise, but also vibration. As the number of floors increases, the noise pollution of the high-rise gradually weakens, however, because the sound is not blocked, the high-rise buildings will be completely surrounded by the three-dimensional propagation of sound waves, resulting in an increase in reflection. However, the noise will gradually decay as the floor rises. The higher, the less noise pollution. The noise on the ground floor is relatively small because of the shelter of some green plants and other buildings.
If the house is located on the side of the road, you must carefully investigate and evaluate the noise situation of the house before purchasing, so as to avoid affecting your life after moving in. Buyers all want a quiet and comfortable environment when buying a house, pay attention to the design of the whole community when buying a house to avoid buying noisy rooms.

Different floors have different noise. Some people say that the lower the floor, the greater the noise, while others say that the higher the floor, the greater the noise. Of course, some people say that the noise in the middle floor is the biggest. Ask different people and say different things.

This aunt thinks there are many roads and people below, so there should be more noise below.

The handsome boy also felt that the noise on the low floor would be more noisy than that on the high floor.

However, this sister thinks that the noise on the upper floor will be bigger.

Recently, experts from the Environmental Protection Bureau found that the noise spread upward, and the high-rise residential buildings have the largest noise between 30 and 70 meters.

Which floor is the most noisy? The inspector took the property market to explore the new column [testing Institute] to do an experiment for everyone and reveal the answer for you.

The answer is: the higher the floor, the higher the noise.