The Case of Noise Insulation Upstairs

The sound insulation of the House needs to be done well. How to make sound insulation if it is too noisy upstairs? Today, the top ten famous brands of doors and windows will answer for you one by one.

1. Wall sound insulation

The poor sound insulation effect of the wall mainly occurs in the thin wall. For this, we can add sound insulation cotton or deadening felt to the wall. The sound insulation effect is excellent, which is both beautiful and waterproof, the only disadvantage is the high cost. If we consider economic problems, we can also choose foam or sponge, which has good sound insulation effect and low cost, but it is too thick, occupies space and is not fireproof.

2. Ground sound insulation

If you are the one making noise upstairs, you can lay a layer of sponge or foam on the ground if you want to not affect the neighbors downstairs. Then add the carpet, which will effectively reduce the sound caused by walking around, and the sponge can also effectively reduce noise. The only disadvantage is to pay attention to fire prevention!

3. Door sound insulation

The sound insulation of the door is very simple. Just change it to a composite door or a thicker door. If you don't consider changing the door, adding a layer of foam on the door can effectively sound insulation.

4. Window sound insulation

Poor sound insulation of Windows will cause outdoor noise to be transmitted indoors. In this respect, we can use double-layer glass, which has excellent sound insulation effect. We can also install a set of thicker curtains, it will also play a certain role in sound insulation.

5. Ceiling sound insulation


If the upstairs is noisy and there is no way to negotiate, then we can make a ceiling on the ceiling. It is soundproof and beautiful. It is better to communicate with the upstairs and let the upstairs make a sound insulation on the ground.

1. If it is a rough room, you can consider installing sound insulation cotton on the wall, which can effectively prevent noise transmission and be embedded in the wall, which is completely invisible to the outside world.

2. Making soft bags at home is also anacoustic tips. Because there is sponge or fabric in the soft bag, it is beautiful and has sound insulation at the same time.

3. Wooden furniture itself also has anacoustic effect.

4. Double-layer hollow soundproof glass is a good way to isolate many external noises.

5. The ceiling is a ceiling. The main material of the ceiling is gypsum board, and the middle is empty, which can play a anacoustic effect.

6. Install a thick entry door, which can also be soundproof.