I Bought a House near the Road and Wanted to Die.

There are indeed some reasons why I said this, because when I bought the first house, I liked the convenience of traveling next to the road. At that time, I was especially happy with my wit, but in less than half a year after I checked in, I deeply realized how wrong I thought when I bought a house, because such a house environment was really too bad!

First, the house is next to the main road and is troubled by noise every day.

We all know that we plan to buy a house in order to have a place to relax and sleep, so whether the environment of this house is good or bad is really close to us. We are all office workers. We are so tired that we come back home like dogs every day. What is the purpose? Of course, it is to have a quiet rest and relax yourself. However, if the house we live in is next to the big road, we can't avoid hearing cars come and go in all directions. Sounds every day, people's noisy voice, no matter whether it is loud or small, belongs to noise for us. Living in this kind of house for a long time, whether it is to our body or mind, will have a certain impact.

Second, the house is next to the main road, and there is too much dust

As we all know, all kinds of cars are the most frequently traveled on the road. Their form and speed are bound to bring a lot of dust. If our house is next to the road, the dust will float into our house with the wind. As long as the window is open, the whole room will be dirty everywhere as if it was just decorated, but if you don't open the doors and windows, our room needs ventilation, so we can only endure it, and then use our spare time to keep cleaning.

Third, the house is next to the main road, and there will be some potential safety hazards.

If we pay attention to it, we should know that the floors of houses next to the big road are not particularly high, and it is very easy for people coming and going on the street to see our movements in the room, if the public security management of the community is slightly lax, it will easily cause hidden dangers to the safety of our families.

Therefore, I hope everyone will be cautious when buying this kind of house next to the street. After all, I don't want to buy clothes when buying a house. If I don't like it, I will change another one.

Case 1:

Finally sold the house beside the road. In March, someone finally bought a house near my road. I sold it without blinking my eyes. I was afraid that the seller would regret buying a house. On the contrary, I kept telling the other party in the transaction, there are many currency issues, and houses will soar in the future. In fact, it's really soaring. Today I can sell at least 500000 more. But I don't regret it. You should know how worried I am was that no one tray before March. That worry and anxiety. The house is on the side of the road. There are three buses. The bus turns from the main road 100 meters away and passes behind my house. After the bus turns from the main road, the engine needs to refuel, drive past to report the stop, and then fuel the engine and leave. During this process, I could hear it clearly in my home on the 13th floor. My heart trembled with the sudden burst of the bus engine motor-the sound of Boom. After a long time, I would not doubt that I would have a heart attack.

The house is on the 13th floor, and the wind will hover around your ear for 365 days. On winter nights, the wind will make a sound of crying and howling around the house. I will definitely go crazy after staying for a long time, because I am often tortured by the wind and cannot sleep.

The House on the 13th floor is really hot in summer (it is warm in winter). But summer is too hot, especially in July, 24 hours hot, no cool morning.

The noise of the elevator, up and down, the sound of opening and closing, spread all over every corner of the house, making you upset, especially at night, you can't use your mind to overcome the noise of the wind and fall asleep, in the middle of the night, I was often awakened by the sound of elevators, and in the middle of the night, it was the pain of tossing and turning. Recently, I rented a house and took a risk to rent a house with elevator. There was no sound in the elevator-Hitachi Elevator. I don't know what kind of elevator is the house sold in March. I have never lived in an elevator room before and I don't know how to pay attention to the elevator brand. This time I bought a house, as long as it was an elevator room, the first thing I paid attention to was the elevator sound. The first thing I did when I entered the door was to listen to the elevator sound. I found that several elevators from mitsubishi and hitachi were the most reliable.

I have been buying houses twice and selling houses twice. The experience was painful. Once it was by the big road and once it was by the Pony Road. In short, as long as it was by the road, the house was not livable. In fact, the house with the most frequent transactions is the house beside the road. The hot house trading market is not like those real estate experts clamoring for, but rising, buying, buying. Most of them are the houses they live in, and they have no choice but to change houses. If you don't believe it, you can buy a quiet house in the old community of Haidian and try it. Except for the 6th floor, I am very happy to meet a 5th floor occasionally. Others on other floors offer on the same day. If you don't pay the deposit, you will be bought by others immediately.

Therefore, don't increase the transaction fee of house sales. Many people who buy houses and transfer ownership in the real estate trading hall are guilty of spending money to buy. Fortunately, buying a house now can maintain its value (it may not increase its value, such as my own experience), otherwise it will be really wronged.

This time I booked another room. The old community without elevators and the Black Hall were just as quiet as it was, which could make me sleep well. If it is not my wish after checking in, I swear I will not be in a hurry to buy a house. Be sure to rent a house for a year, and place an order when it is comfortable. Because, the house I rent now is too comfortable. The inner floor of the house is 2 meters high and the footsteps of others upstairs cannot be heard. I rent 2 floors and 12 floors, there is no sound at all in the sewer.

Case 2:

Buying a house is actually a big thing, but it also depends on your own economic ability. If your economic ability is not particularly strong, you may buy this house in your life, then you must make a good selection, because everyone knows that generally speaking, when buying a house, everyone likes to buy a house in the middle of the community, rather than buying a house near the road outside, because that will cause the whole family to be very noisy, and the hygiene is relatively dirty and messy, which is also a problem that makes many people more distressed. Because if you buy a house near the road, the traffic is relatively developed now.

Moreover, almost every household has cars, so there are more and more cars on the big Road. Sometimes, when some relatively large vehicles pass by, it will cause a lot of noise outside the whole window, and sometimes it may even affect normal rest, so in this way, the price of houses near the road in the community will be relatively low, because no one is willing to buy them, therefore, promotion can only be carried out by lowering the price. In this way, although some people will buy such houses at a low price, they will also be very distressed after living in them.

Because it is on the side of the road, in addition to the noisy problem, it will also be affected by many people. Moreover, on the side of the road, if the shops outside your community are open restaurants, then it is bound to be very long, even at nine or ten o'clock at night, there may be a lot of people, so this has a great influence on the rest of normal people, in addition to such a situation, the house on the side of the road has a very big disadvantage, that is, its hygiene is not very good, because on the side of the road, therefore, it can receive a lot of dust. Compared with the houses in the center of the community, its sanitary environment is different from that of others.

In addition, it is necessary to clean the sanitation inside the house frequently, and there will be a lot of dust in the ground inventor every day, and as long as the window is opened, it will be extremely dirty in the inventor, this is also a very painful thing, especially if you don't open the window in summer, the ventilation in your home is not good and it will be very hot, but if you open the window, it will cause dust floating in on the road outside. Although you may think that this probability is very small, you actually underestimate the probability of this kind of thing happening, because houses beside the road always cause various gods to float in, moreover, it can be seen that the dust is very dirty, more of which is automobile exhaust, so even the windows are very dirty, which is very troublesome to clean.