Sliding Window Can I Change Casement Window without Changing the Frame?

The answer is yes. Generally speaking, it is not difficult to change sliding window without changing the frame and casement window. It is good to change basket, and the sealing of casement window is also better, but Casement cannot be made bigger. I think the appearance is more beautiful and practical.

The advantages of casement window are large opening area, good ventilation, good sealing, sound insulation, heat preservation and excellent impermeability. The disadvantage is that the window is small and the vision is not wide. It is divided into two types: internal opening and external opening. The internal opening is convenient to clean windows, and the external opening does not occupy space. The opening of outwards opening window takes up a piece of space outside the wall, which is easily damaged when the wind blows; While the opening of in-swinging casement window takes up part of the indoor space, it is not convenient to use car window shade, and it is also inconvenient to use car window shade and curtains when opening the window, if the quality is not good, it may rain.