Standard Size Table for Doors and Windows

Inner door is generally 900mm × 2200mm, and the conditional can be 1000mm × 2200mm.

Indoor Guard Door is generally 800mm × 2200mm.

Double Door 1300mm × 2200mm or 1500mm × 2200mm.

If there is a door head, such as a European door head, the height is generally about 2700mm.

The width and height of the window are relatively casual, and the size of the window is usually planned according to the overall design of the exterior wall. The comparison window also sets off the exterior wall decoration effect.

Extended Data:

There are five main classification methods for doors and windows:

1. According to the material of doors and windows, it can be roughly divided into the following categories: wooden doors and windows, steel doors and windows, plastic steel doors and windows, aluminum alloy doors and windows, frp doors and windows, stainless steel doors and windows, iron flower doors and windows, heat insulation broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, wood-aluminum composite doors and windows, aluminum-wood composite doors and windows, solid wood doors and windows, Sunshine rooms, glass curtain walls, wooden curtain walls, etc.

2. According to the function of doors and windows: Revolving door security door, automatic door, revolving door.

3. According to the opening method, it can be divided into: fixed windows, upper suspension window, middle suspension window, lower suspension window, vertical rotation window, flat open door and window, pulley casement window, pulley window, flat open lower suspension door and window, sliding door window, push and pull casement window, folding door, floor spring door, lifting sliding door, sliding folding door, pour inside side sliding door.

4. According to the performance, it can be divided into sound-proof doors and windows, heat-proof doors and windows, fire-proof doors and windows, and air-tight doors and windows.

5, according to the application parts are divided into: inside doors and windows, outside doors and windows.

Window size specification standard

In the window size specification, the height of the window glass is specified = the size of the Hook Light enterprise-7cm

Casement glass width = upper and lower square size-0.8cm bright window glass width = (upper sliding size-7cm)/2 bright window glass height = center column 1.2cm three upper and lower square lengths (with four hooks) = (up and down length-10.5cm)/3

Three fans up and down square length (use four for the whole enterprise) = (up and down length-12.6)/3

Four fans without middle seal = (upper sliding length/2-8cm)/2

Inner yarn height = hook light Enterprise length-2cm outer yarn height = hook light Enterprise length 0.5cm

Medium seal size 3.2cm

In the window size specification, for Windows of different materials and styles, the window size specification requirements are also different.

General room window size

Generally, the size of Windows is regulated. In residential buildings, the height of Windows is 1.5m, plus the height of windowsill is 0.9m, the window apex distance 2.4m on the floor, leaving a structural height of 0.4m. In public buildings, the height of window sill varies from 1.0 m to 1.8m in general windows and opens to Casement of public walkways, among which the height of its bottom surface should not be less than 2.0m. As for the height of the window, it is decided according to the requirements of lighting, ventilation, space image, etc., but we must pay attention to the problem of excessive rigidity of the window, and add beams or "spell" when necessary ". In addition, when the height of the window sill is less than 0.8m, protective measures should be taken.

In modern glass curtain wall, the height of the whole piece of glass generally exceeds 7.2m, which is no longer within the size range of ordinary windows.

In the general window size, the window width usually starts from 0.6m, and the width is as wide as "with window". However, it should be noted that when the general window size adopts wide with window, the sound insulation problem in the room next to the left and right and the sliding range of sliding window fans should also pay attention to the size of the general window. The width of the window in the full open room will cause glare on the horizontal wall, exhibition rooms are not suitable.