Brand Doors and Windows Join for Free

The initial investment of brand doors and windows franchise stores is uncertain, ranging from WanHeDa to hundreds of thousands, which is affected by the following aspects.

Store rent, location, area size, rent varies;

Store decoration, decoration grade, area size, decoration costs vary;

Samples and sample fees on the store. Although the manufacturer has support, it still needs to pay cash by itself;

Store staff team formation, labor costs, such as: shop assistants;

Brand positioning, first-line, second-line, or third-line, franchise fee, security deposit, etc;

Note: After opening a store, it is necessary to operate normally. Therefore, sufficient operating funds must be reserved;

Fuxuan doors and windows suggestion: according to your own strength, doing business requires capital, and requires people to operate. There are big practices, small models, and big investments may not have big returns, small investment may also be four or two thousand Jin! In short, high-quality products, reasonable market pricing in line with local consumption capacity, plus your professional and thoughtful service, business will not be bad!

The initial investment of opening a brand door and window franchise store ranges from tens of thousands to millions. Although the early manufacturers will have help and policy support, there are still many places to spend money, such as store rent, facade decoration, the sample fees, utilities, labor costs, etc. of the store, opono doors and windows suggestions: according to their own strength, business needs funds, and people are more needed to operate. There are great practices, small mode.

1. Product positioning: at present, there are aluminum alloy doors and windows, broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, aluminum clad wood doors and windows, and system doors and windows in the market, and at least a dozen series of these types. You must do your own product positioning, select which type of doors and windows to join or which type of doors and windows to promote.

2. Market positioning: do a good job in product positioning and market positioning. Door and window brands are divided into high, medium and low end. We should choose suitable doors and windows to join in according to our local consumption level, with low consumption level, choose high-end doors and windows to join, although the quality of doors and windows is good, the price will make people look at and stop; The consumption level is high, although the price is low, but the quality and performance can not meet people's needs.

3. Store location: a good store location is the basis for the future success of doors and windows franchise stores. It is best to choose the one with a large flow of people or the building materials market. The store should not be too small, and the decoration should have new gravity, high-end and high-grade.

4. Strength of manufacturers: the strength of manufacturers can be considered from the innovation of products and the scale of workshops. The door and window market changes rapidly. A manufacturer must have the ability to innovate new products in order to conform to the market, meet the needs of consumers. The size of the workshop determines the length of the post-delivery cycle.

5. Joining support: to join doors and windows, we should take into account the support from the manufacturer, because when we first joined the store, no matter from experience or funds, we need the support from the manufacturer, help doors and windows franchise stores slowly get on the right track.

6. After-sales: a good after-sales service can make the road of joining doors and windows more smooth. No matter the color or size of doors and windows are changed, the manufacturer can handle them in time.