Door and Window Business Pick-up Skills

Fine workmanship and quality assurance are required, and the relationship between people is good.

1. The store should not only choose a good place, but also hardcover
The storefront is a face. Many people think that it is OK to choose a site in a place with a large number of people and convenient transportation, while ignoring the problem of store decoration. If you want to do business, you must have a large enough storefront, it should be at least 200 square meters. Better, it should be more than 400 square meters. You should spend some thoughts on store design and regional planning. Customers should see that your facade design is high-end, naturally, you will feel that the product is guaranteed.
In addition, the location of the store should be in the place where the middle and upper class people in the region concentrate their activities. High-end customers can improve the order volume and bring you more high-quality customers if they are good.
2. More innovation, so that no one has me, people have my advantages
If the younger generation starts a business, they must all know the importance of innovation, and so does the door and window business. Everyone has heard of the integral doors and windows of St. barrow. They have integrated various products such as entry door, kitchen doors, balcony doors, bedroom door, windows, etc. In this way, can customers with different needs be gathered in a store to achieve "more than one order". Can the profit be low?
However, as an individual distributor, its innovation power is relatively limited, so try to choose a big brand with strong innovation, which will certainly make great achievements.
3. Build an excellent team, don't ask for pig teammates
As we all know, it is not possible to operate a store only by a boss. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you choose your own partner according to your professional level, relatives and friends try not to bring it to business.
After the team is established, unified professional training should be carried out to quickly improve the professional ability of the team. If the support of the joining enterprises is in place, there should be corresponding training such as marketing skills and business ability, be sure to actively participate and lead the team to do business together. It is suggested that the team should have a clear division of labor and be responsible for receiving orders, measuring, logistics and installation, so that the team can operate more efficiently.
4. Everyone picks up firewood with high flame and participates in different industry alliance
Now every industry talks about win-win cooperation, and the door and window business is no exception. Everyone can cooperate with local famous brands to carry out group buying and other alliance activities to improve their brand awareness and activity.
In addition to the alliance with building materials peers, we can also cooperate with well-known local decoration companies. However, the premise of these cooperation is to negotiate the budget, design plan and other matters in advance to facilitate follow-up in the later period.
5. Control major customers and let them introduce new customers
For large household products such as doors and windows, many owners tend to choose brands with high praise from relatives and friends and recommend, so don't think you have done this business, it is enough to make money. Metropolis, a person who really makes a lot of money, promotes the next order or even many orders through this ongoing business.
Their method is to understand the customer's consumption psychology and budget through the decoration company in advance, and to recommend a solution suitable for them according to their specific needs. For example, the overall doors and windows of San Barro will be provided with a special person to measure gauge, personalized design scheme consultation and other services can better obtain customer satisfaction. Then, these customers are likely to introduce new customers. Moreover, after completing the order, you can also use WeChat to push decoration cases irregularly and provide product maintenance knowledge to establish long-term contact with customers and win their trust.
In short, it is not difficult to make money in the door and window business, and it is not difficult to say. It mainly depends on the brand strength of everyone's cooperation. If we cooperate with big brands with guaranteed products and support, as long as you master some skills, you will do well. I hope the sharing of the landlord will be helpful to you.

The doors and windows business has always been very good, because the number of people buying houses is increasing, and the sales volume of doors and windows is also rising. Some stores have several orders every day, after the customer selects the doors and windows they want, the store should be responsible for transporting the goods to the customer's home, and also send professional masters to install them, we must be very careful in the process of transporting doors and windows. Otherwise, we are still responsible for any problems arising from doors and windows. Today, let's discuss the problems about moving doors and windows, so what skills do you have to do door and window business transportation now to reduce the probability of damage?

One of the rules in the door and window industry is that door-to-door delivery must be provided and installation services are provided. This is a complete set of services, because these things are relatively large in size, it is impossible for customers to take these things back by themselves. The first thing is to move the goods to the customer's home. Although this process sounds quite simple, because some things are made of glass, you must be very careful during transportation, otherwise, the loss is yourself.

One of the rules in the door and window industry is that door-to-door delivery must be provided and installation services are provided. This is a complete set of services, because these things are relatively large in size, it is impossible for customers to take these things back by themselves.

Now do doors and windows business transportation have what skills can reduce the probability of damage? These are mainly mentioned above. Be careful when moving goods. If problems occur in this process, you can only be responsible for yourself, so be sure to pay attention.

The first thing is to move the goods to the customer's home. Although this process sounds quite simple, because some things are made of glass, you must be very careful during transportation, otherwise, the loss is yourself.