How Much Can a Door and Window Store Earn in a Year

Generally, doors and windows shops are opened in the form of joining. There are several benefits to joining the form:

1. Brand building is ready-made, and you don't have to promote it yourself.

2. Product channels are guaranteed.

3. Operational experience and guidance.

4. Cost control is helpful, no need to buy equipment, no need to buy profiles, the cost is not so high.

With the above benefits, the door fee will be calculated, and the license fee will be necessary. Generally, when others give you the size, you can earn a part of the deposit and then buy aluminum alloy raw materials with a total deposit. From the early stage to the newly opened community, if the quality and price are satisfactory, the business will be better. A month after 100 square meters is estimated to be better than working.

If you are in a small place, it depends on how many orders you can take. You can get in touch with people engaged in architecture so that they will introduce you to business. Generally, the starting capital of a small place is 50,000! If the business is good, the annual income is 150000, no problem.