Top Three Door and Window Systems in the World

System doors and windows are a perfect organic combination of performance systems, considering water tightness, air tightness, wind pressure resistance, mechanical strength, heat insulation, sound insulation, anti-theft, sunshade, weather resistance, A series of important functions such as operating hand feeling should also consider the comprehensive results of the performance of equipment, profiles, accessories, glass, viscose and seals, which are indispensable and finally form high-performance system doors and windows.

The top three in Europe are Wickner, xuge, Aruk, domestic paswo, Zhengdian, shiluo.

Germany: Wickner, xuge
Italy: Aruko, rocady
Japan: Weike regular script
US: Anderson, Marvin
Note: vicona is the only door and window brand company in the world's top 500. Don't listen to the nonsense upstairs.