How to Run the Business of Doors and Windows

1. Pay attention to the real estate land information around the location, record the corresponding developers, and follow up the visit continuously in the future.
2. Contact relatives and friends, visit developers, and generally go to the levels of Vice President, cost manager and engineering manager.
3. Establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the general contractor of the building. Many door and window projects are subcontracted from the general contractor.
4. Establish a good relationship with various building material suppliers, such as hardware, glass, sealant, profiles, plumbing, refrigeration, stone, etc., and share project information.
To do sales business, you must work hard and have a thick face. People ignore you. You keep looking for him. If you don't have a project, you can get familiar with it. The project is running slowly.

Home decoration: go to the residential area where you just moved in for display and activity.

If it is a mature community, go to the property, cooperate with the property, publicize and advertise in the green belt or corridor or elevator in the community.

Advertise on the Internet (local forums or large life websites).

Cooperate with decoration company.

Project: If you have no relatives or friends to pave the road for you or have no money to pad, don't consider it.

1. The store should not only choose a good place, but also hardcover

How to run business in doors and windows? Before running the business, you must have a good store. The store is a face. Many people think that it is OK to choose a site in a place with a large number of people and convenient transportation, while ignoring the problem of store decoration, if you want to make a big business, you must have a large enough store, at least 200 square meters, and better, you must have more than 400 square meters, and you must spend some thoughts on store design and regional planning, when customers look at your facade design, they will naturally feel that the product is guaranteed.

2. More innovation, so that no one has me, people have my advantages

If the younger generation starts a business, they must all know the importance of innovation, and so does the door and window business. The integral doors and windows of St. Barrow integrate various products such as entry door, kitchen doors, balcony doors, bedroom door, windows, etc. In this way, customers with different needs can be gathered in a store, to achieve "more than one order", can the profit be not high?

However, as an individual distributor, its innovation power is relatively limited, so it is easier to open doors and windows stores and try to choose big brands with strong innovation to cooperate with them.

3. Build an excellent team

It is not possible to operate a store only by a boss, so we should build a professional team. We strongly recommend that you choose your own partners according to your professional level, and relatives and friends try not to bring them to the business field. After the team is established, unified professional training should be carried out to quickly improve the professional ability of the team. If the support of the joining enterprises is in place, there should be corresponding training such as marketing skills and business ability, be sure to actively participate and lead the team to do business together. It is suggested that the team should have a clear division of labor and be responsible for receiving orders, measuring, logistics and installation, so that the team can operate more efficiently. How to run business in doors and windows? Team running business always earns more than individual running business.

4. Everyone picks up firewood with high flame and participates in different industry alliance

Now every industry talks about win-win cooperation, and the door and window business is no exception. Everyone can cooperate with local famous brands to carry out group buying and other alliance activities to improve their brand awareness and activity. In addition to the alliance with building materials peers, we can also cooperate with well-known local decoration companies. However, the premise of these cooperation is to negotiate the budget, design plan and other matters in advance to facilitate follow-up in the later period. How to run business in doors and windows? The door and window business should not only stare at the doors and windows, but also open its horizon.

5. Control major customers and let them introduce new customers

For large household products such as doors and windows, many owners tend to choose brands with high praise from relatives and friends and recommend, so don't think you have done this business, it is enough to make money. Metropolis, a person who really makes a lot of money, promotes the next order or even many orders through this ongoing business.

How to run business in doors and windows? Their method is to understand the customer's consumption psychology and budget through the decoration company in advance, and recommend the solutions suitable for them according to their specific needs, such as providing services such as door-to-door measure gauge and personalized design scheme consultation, in this way, customer satisfaction can be better obtained. Then, these customers are likely to introduce new customers. Moreover, after completing the order, you can also use WeChat to push decoration cases irregularly and provide product maintenance knowledge to establish long-term contact with customers and win their trust.

6. Clear positioning and targeted promotion

How to run business in doors and windows? We must clearly define our own positioning of doors and windows business. Customers who do doors and windows business must have some common characteristics. We must grasp the market we can grasp and serve the surrounding customers first, open the door and window store's popularity and reputation, and then gradually expand the radiation range, gradually expand the promotion circle, the promotion must be the fist products of your own door and window store, so running business also has a focus.