Six Steps of Brand Building

Through newspapers, magazines, Internet media, television, radio media, POP posters, flyer and other propaganda carriers, the image of the enterprise is displayed to the public, it can directly arouse the attention of distributors and consumers around the world to achieve the purpose of expanding the market, so that their enterprises can have a foothold and develop continuously as soon as possible. Brand is a complex system composed of many aspects.

(1) the essence of brand is quality
Quality is the essence, foundation and life of a brand. The remarkable feature of famous brands is that they can provide higher perceived quality. Famous brands in the world, such as Mercedes-Benz, Sony, Motorola and Hilton, all reflect high quality. Li XX, president of samsung group, once investigated many electric appliance shop in los angeles, usa, and found that samsung electrical appliances were cheaper than japanese goods, but could not attract consumers. He immediately called in three senior staff of samsung and first compared the best-selling TV and video recorder samples in the market with samsung's products, which were dwarfed by samsung's products. Then let the three employees go to the store to ask the reason why Samsung products are not popular. The answer is that Samsung products are rough in design, high failure rate and poor after-sales service. Li jianxi investigated this situation and looked for the reasons within the enterprise. He found that in the past, when samsung evaluated the performance of subordinate enterprises and employees, 65% looked at the output, however, the quality only accounts for 35% at most. Finally, he proposed that the ratio of quality to output is 1:1 or even higher. Samsung people must fundamentally change their concepts to make products become real world famous brands.
Generally speaking, enterprises can improve product quality from the following aspects. First, the actual needs of customers should be taken into account when designing products. The second is to establish a unique quality image. The third is to grasp the changing trend of consumers' quality requirements at any time. The fourth is to make the product easy to use. The fifth is to listen to customers' opinions for improvement and to listen to experts' opinions in order to highlight the direction.
(Ii) brand support is service
Service is an integral part of goods and has become the focus of market competition. Services including pre-sales research, data collection, consultation, in-sale consultation, sample provision, trial use, after-sales maintenance, installation, training, etc. are the strong backing of the brand, it promotes the growth of brands. When famous enterprises in the world create famous brands, they all regard the perfect service for users as the symbol of their success. Famous management experts thomas peters and robert waterman investigated and studied 43 of the most outstanding enterprises in the united states and pointed out that these companies, whether they belong to machinery manufacturing, high-tech industry or food industry selling hamburgers, they all regard themselves as the service industry. Rogers, the deputy manager of IBM company in the united states, proposed: "IBM is customer market-oriented, not technology". The slogan of the company is "IBM is the best service". The company stipulates that "any complaints or difficulties must be solved within 24 hours".
(3) the face of the brand is image
The image of a brand refers to the individual characteristics shown by an enterprise or a brand in the market and in the hearts of the public. It reflects the evaluation and cognition of the public, especially the customers, on the brand. The brand image is inseparable from the brand, which reflects the strength and essence of the brand. Brand image is evaluated by customers, making it an important way to win customer loyalty. In addition, brand image directly affects the cohesion of employees in the enterprise and the living environment of the enterprise.
(Iv) the connotation of the brand is culture
Brand also belongs to the category of cultural value, which is the unity of social material form and spiritual form, and the combination of consumption psychology and cultural value orientation in modern society. At the same time, the brand contains culture, and the brand uses culture to increase added value. Culture supports the rich connotation of the brand, and the brand displays its unique cultural charm. Without culture, it is impossible to create a brand, let alone achieve a famous brand. World famous brands attract consumers with unique cultural charm. "McDonald's" is world famous in the fast food industry.
(V) the basis of brand is management
Brand success is the result of excellent management. Successful brands all rely on management establishment, development and innovation. Management is the basis of brand success and healthy growth. Some famous brands in the world depend on management from establishment to development. Coca-Cola is an example of strong brand management. In its more than one hundred years of development history, it has been carefully managed, which keeps its initial brand value. Similarly, when people mention "McDonald's", they think of the standardized services brought by its management.
(Vi) brand vitality lies in innovation
Comrade Jiang XX said: Innovation is the soul of the nation! Innovation is an inexhaustible driving force for the nation! Brand Innovation is a scientific brand strategy that extends the connotation and extension of the brand, thus maintaining its enduring vitality. After the establishment of the brand, it is not static, and its long-term development depends on innovation. Many famous brands in the world survive and develop in continuous innovation. For example, Marlboro, a world famous brand, started to target consumer groups with female smokers. Its products and advertisements were all aimed at female smokers. Later, this brand was repositioned from cigarette taste, packaging, until the advertisement was changed to aimed at male smokers, and created a famous Marlboro man, thus making Marlboro brand prosperous.
(Vii) the driving force of the brand is advertising and public relations
Advertising and public relations are the boosters of brand development. Forging a brand into a famous brand requires advertising assistance and support, "Good wine is not afraid of the deep alley", "The emperor's daughter does not worry about marriage" has lost its original meaning in the modern fierce commercial war and changeable market. It should be said that "good wine is also afraid of the deep alley, and the wine fragrance must be often shouted".
Public relations is the abbreviation of public relations. Public Relations mainly manages the public image (corporate image or brand image). Public relations is another powerful tool to forge brands and create famous brands. Many enterprises have made use of successful public relations publicity and successful public relations activities to enhance brand awareness, reputation and trust. Beijing Great Wall Hotel became famous through successful public relations activities. Reagan's visit to China, the Great Wall Hotel learned this news, sensitive to realize that this is an excellent public relations opportunity. Therefore, the great wall hotel prepared in advance and actively carried out activities. Finally, it moved guest phon. Reagan and his entourage all stayed in the great wall hotel and held a press conference at the great wall hotel. More than 300 journalists interviewed on the spot and broadcast it on three TV stations. With the help of free publicity brought by public relations activities, great wall hotel became famous in a short period of time and became a well-known hotel.

Planning companies are different from planning activities when planning brands. They need to go through long-term market research to find a position different from other competitors for consumers, this positioning is very meaningful and can help enterprises have better competitiveness when facing the market.
For enterprises, it is a long-term maintenance process whether creating a brand or operating in 7a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333431363562. As the soul of an enterprise brand, brand personality is full of personality or boring, which has a key influence on the spread of enterprise brand. In this article, we will learn about it together.
Three elements of enterprise brand building:
1. High quality the quality of products is directly related to the reputation of the enterprise, and high-quality products are also competitive by the enterprise, which is also ensured by the overall system management ability of the enterprise, high quality of products is also an important factor to impress customers and make customers trust, far better than all promotion methods of enterprises. On the other hand, due to the high quality of enterprise products, it can not only bring brand value to consumers, it will also bring greater added value.
2. Enterprises with characteristics should understand that each brand with high quality is also a synonym for high quality and has its own uniqueness. It is also because of this uniqueness that various brands have been created, their respective social resources and unique growth experiences will transform them into the unique secret weapons of the enterprise itself and the core competitiveness of the enterprise, just like in the population of 6 billion, there won't be two identical people. This result is caused by the complexity of society and economy, the disorder of market competition and the differences between organizations and individuals.
3. A product that is more enterprise in the industry should be based on the market, and must have its uniqueness and always keep the product in a certain field, which is also the key to the real fame of many brands.
Therefore, on the whole, we find that when positioning and shaping the brand, we must first ensure that our products are competitive enough, otherwise it will be lost. Only when the kernel is touching enough can we pack it more easily.

We divide the key steps of brand building into five steps:
1. Great product creativity
2. Profound core values
3. Find the right strategy to express the core value
3. Repeat it over and over again
4. Form one-to-one brand association in consumers' minds.

For the aspect of enterprise brand building, many companies are vague about this concept. If they learn something, they will do something. Most of them are in such a state without systematic management. Brand building is divided into four steps in brand management: Brand Asset Protection, sensory Association positioning, heart anchor positioning setting and promotion procedures.

1. Brand asset protection is the first step of brand building, which can be divided into two categories: Trademark and copyright. Trademark is mainly reflected in the protection of trademark registration in Chinese and English, graphics and differentiated trademarks. For example, Pinduoduo did not register and protect antonym names. As a result, one more brother was born.

In terms of copyright, it mainly includes brand patents, IP images derived from trademarks, domain names and domain name matrix protection, etc. In 2018, a well-known audio website encountered some domain name suffixes being snapped up, the user traffic that causes the wrong suffix to be imported to other websites.

2. Sensory Association settings to strengthen brand positioning by binding user facial features. It usually reflects the brand image in logo, VIS, packaging, modeling, space, guide, official website, audio, video, material, production, construction, etc.

3. Heart anchor positioning settings, through brand slogans, brand golden sentences (afraid of getting angry and drinking wang laoji), brand names, brand concepts, brand scenarios (your EXTRA, no, it is your EXTRA), brand stories, etc. to strengthen the brand's mental positioning and target groups to attract loyal users.

4. Promotion program settings, which are often affected by the era environment and need to be constantly adjusted. Such as Weibo, WeChat, TikTok, community, exhibition, public welfare, endorsement, advertising, public relations, cartoon, leader, ecology, even sales, customer service, after-sales is also an important part of the brand promotion process.

So, what are the benefits to the enterprise after the brand is shaped? The ultimate goal is the brand premium generated after the accumulation of brand value. Products of the same material used to be 300 yuan, but now they can be sold to 800 yuan, and the flow of users following the brand keeps flowing, it ensures the long-term growth and development of the enterprise.