How to Write the Brand Building Plan

On how to do a good job in enterprise brand construction and how to do a good job in enterprise brand construction plan, when talking about the topic of enterprise brand construction, some enterprises say that this is the enterprise brand development strategy of large companies, however, is it necessary for small and medium-sized enterprises to build enterprise brands? Perhaps many small and medium-sized enterprises do not realize the importance and value of enterprise brand building. The construction of company brands has nothing to do with the size of enterprises, as an enterprise that wants long-term development, enterprise brand building is a must-go Road. The following is a brief talk about some enterprise brand building, enterprise brand building plan, how to do a good job in enterprise brand building and how to do enterprise brand building for small and medium-sized enterprises, how can the company do a good job in the ideas and information of the enterprise brand building plan? I hope it can help you as a reference.

Have you seen and felt a phenomenon? The development of enterprises is becoming more and more difficult. The growth rate of many enterprises in product sales has become slow, and even there is a phenomenon of continuous decline. Why does this image happen? Due to the homogenization of products, it is becoming more and more common in all walks of life. At the same time, the market competition pressure is also increasing day by day. The market price war has already seen serious development phenomenon. If an enterprise wants to break away from the competition of homogenized product, the only development route worth taking is to build its brand well. That is to say, I will explain to you how to do a good job in enterprise brand building and what key points, elements, details and matters need to be paid attention.

I. How to do a good job in the key points of enterprise brand building enterprise brand positioning

If an enterprise wants to do a good job in brand positioning, it should work with its own enterprise's service groups, consumers' ideological and cultural level, age stage and competitors' positioning, the advantages and disadvantages of enterprise products or services are combined. So as to formulate a brand positioning that is different from other brands and form a clear distinction between values, that is, to create a unique interest appeal point for consumers. In this way, it sets up the core brand value of its own enterprise. This is the meaning and value of brand positioning.

II. Key elements of enterprise brand building, enterprise brand image design

The enterprise carries out brand image design in order to shape packaging and unique brand image characteristics, and to create visual sensory experience unique to many brands, so as to seize consumers' eyes and enhance consumers' visual aesthetic experience, however, consumers are attracted to visit and understand the functions and uses of the product, thus increasing consumers' purchasing opportunities. At the same time, it forms obviously different brand image sensory experience with the image of other enterprise brands. In this way, consumers may see designed feature of the product image or other brand image features associated with the brand after many consumer purchases or after many promotions. Let consumers gradually remember that the image characteristics of the brand are the purpose and value of corporate brand design. Corporate brand design covers corporate LOGO image design, corporate office image design, and physical store image design, product image design, product packaging box image design, brochure, product handbag and other comprehensive brand image design.

3. Do a good job in the key of enterprise brand building, and plan brand slogan with brand connotation and core value

The slogan of planning brand propaganda should focus on the core value of the enterprise brand and express the unique value and benefits that the enterprise can solve for consumers in one sentence, which should be easy to remember, it should also be able to express the connotation and significance of the enterprise brand and the value of emotional appeal. After the enterprise has carried out various channels or repeated promotion, it gradually reminds its consumers of the brand through brand slogan. This is the charm of the brand slogan, which also forms an obvious distinction between the brand and the brand, however, a brand slogan with great connotation value can reflect the mission of the enterprise brand and gain consumers' favorable impression and strong interest in the brand. Attract consumers to visit and understand the function and use benefits of products, thus improving consumers' psychological choice intention when purchasing products, thus increasing the purchase opportunities.

IV. Make effective brand marketing and promotion plans for enterprise brand building

When doing brand marketing and promotion programs, it should be comprehensively studied with the consumer groups of enterprise services or product services. Not all industries are immutable brand communication methods. Due to different industry fields, consumers are also different, and the ways and means of enterprise brand promotion are also completely different. There are also different age stages of users on various platforms. Naturally, analysis and screening should also be carried out when selecting promotion channels. The purpose and value of brand marketing is to effectively push the core values of enterprise brands to beneficial consumer users. In the process of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, there are more or less shortage of funds. At this time, enterprises should do a relatively accurate brand marketing promotion as much as possible under the limited capital plan, select a more suitable brand marketing promotion channel for enterprises.

There are many channels for enterprise brand marketing and promotion, from which outdoor media, elevator advertisements, subway advertisements, bus advertisements and other offline promotion methods can be screened. Internet marketing can choose TV advertisements and various news media, all kinds of social platforms, information flow publishing articles, search engine website bidding, website seo optimization keyword natural ranking, mini program promotion and so on for brand promotion. It is suggested that enterprises should make effective enterprise brand marketing and promotion plans according to their actual situation and capital investment.

When doing a good job in enterprise brand construction, we must further strengthen the research and development of our own products and enhance the improvement of product quality. No matter how excellent the brand marketing is, if there is no high-quality product to meet the psychological purchasing needs of consumers, it is also in vain. Brand Marketing can obtain consumers' ideological satisfaction, and it is necessary to rely on the quality of brand products to win consumers' repeated purchase and word-of-mouth publicity effect. Only in this way can we truly establish a brand that is satisfied with consumers. At the same time, in the process of operation and management, improve the enterprise management system, operation, production and after-sales service.

Conclusion: especially in the case of environmental protection rectification in all walks of life, enterprises should operate the development of enterprise brands from a long-term perspective, abide by the law and do not have the idea of luck, actively cooperate with environmental protection rectification and improve all kinds of qualifications of enterprises. If enterprises want to take a good route of brand development and conform to social progress, this is the trend of the progressive social development of the times. To build a brand, an enterprise must be honest and conscientious. Actively contribute to the society as much as possible.

The above are some enterprise brand building, enterprise brand building plans, how to do a good job in enterprise brand building, and how to do a good job in enterprise brand building, this article belongs to the view of the brand's help group and does not represent everyone's position. Welcome to leave comments and exchanges to help the rise of small and medium-sized enterprise brands across the country bring some thinking value.

In order to establish the company's unified market brand, perfect the company's brand management and promote the development of brand building, this plan is specially formulated.

The purpose of brand building is to provide customers with a brand service quality assurance with long-term specific characteristics, benefits and services.

This solution is applicable to the whole company.

This plan builds the company's brand through two parts: brand positioning and brand management.

Brand positioning

Brand is a complex symbol. For a company, the key point of brand positioning is to understand the meaning of brand:

Attributes: Yi Lian should show the brand attributes of excellent quality, reasonable price, considerate service and high reputation.

Benefits: "good quality" means functional benefits, "reasonable price" means economic benefits, "considerate service" means use benefits, high reputation can be transformed into emotional benefits, it is customers who fully enjoy the satisfaction brought by the brand Yi Lian.

Value: Yilian's brand reflects the value of the company's high quality, high reputation and high satisfaction.

Culture: Yi Lian's brand reflects the Company's learning and innovation corporate culture

Customer: the brand of Yi Lian reflects the customer's good quality awareness and quality requirements for the customer's needs. This is the brand embodiment of Yi Lian in customer use.

The purpose of brand positioning is to make the company targeted in brand building and achieve the wish of enterprise brand development from brand building.

Brand positioning is the unification of each branch brand and the benchmark for the company to use a unified brand externally.

The brand positioning shall be discussed and revised by the board of directors of the company, and other departments shall not change it without authorization.

Brand management

Brand management is to gradually realize the connotation of brand positioning through daily management behavior, so as to achieve the goal of brand building.

Brand management is achieved through the following aspects:

Organizational structure

Brand Architecture

Brand identification

Brand Promotion

The marketing department of the company is responsible for brand management. The marketing department sets up the position of brand manager to cooperate with the brand management and construction of the company.

Brand manager is appointed by marketing manager, responsible for marketing manager and reporting to brand manager. Brand managers and brand administrators are uniformly assessed by the marketing department.

The responsibilities of the brand manager are as follows:

Formulate and implement the company's brand building plan

Overall management of brand expenses (brand promotion and promotion)

Understand the connotation and composition of the company's brand

Find the weak link of the company's brand development and improve it

Coordinate all departments of the company to coordinate brand building

Manage and guide the work of brand administrators

Visit major customers to discuss defects in the brand plan

Collect any valuable information and evaluate the effect of brand building.

Responsibilities of brand administrator:

Cooperate with brand manager to implement brand building plan

Understand the connotation and composition of the company's brand

Find the weak link of the company's brand development, propose countermeasures to the brand manager, and get approval and support

Coordinate all departments of the company to cooperate with brand building

Visit regional customers to discuss the defects of regional brand building

Record any valuable information, and all field studies that help to judge whether the plan produces the expected effect should be conducted, and report to the brand manager.

The brand manager submits a brand management report to the marketing manager every month. The report content is as follows:

Completion of brand plan

Expenditure situation

Problems of brand management

Information Collection

The brand administrator submits the brand management report to the brand manager every week, and the content is as above.

The reports of brand managers and brand administrators are recorded in the performance appraisal of the year and given awards.

Brand architecture refers to the positioning of the relationship between the company's main brand and sub-brand.

The main brand occupies a leading position in brand construction and is the representative of the market. The key is to invest heavily in the construction of the main brand in the process of construction.

Sub-brand is associated with the main brand, which can enhance the effect of the main brand. The role of sub-brand is to expand the main brand to a new field and deepen the role of the main brand.

The main purpose of retaining sub-brands is:

Is the need of brand strategy

Retain some of the resources to create a brand by balancing existing brand property.

Protect the main brand and avoid the weakening of the brand caused by rapid changes

Brand recognition is a work done in the process of brand building in order to achieve customers' good impression of the brand.