Introduce to Customers How to Promote Doors and Windows

The procedure of selling doors and windows is as follows:
1. Introduce the selling points and unique selling points of doors and windows, and guide the value orientation of customers
There are differences between selling points and unique selling points, and this problem should be very clear. The so-called selling point is actually the reason for consumption. It is the point where the product meets the needs of the target customers. It refers to the reason why customers buy doors and windows. The unique selling point refers to the unprecedented product, unique or distinctive features and characteristics; It is the reason why customers buy your doors and windows instead of other competitors' doors and windows. Unique selling points can be born, full of imagination or "out of nothing". We must be able to quickly and smoothly tell customers where the selling points of aluminum doors and windows are, and then tell the unique selling points of our own brand doors and windows to compare the doors and windows of competitors, let consumers recognize and accept the special advantages of their doors and windows, otherwise, it will be difficult to persuade customers to buy doors and windows.
2. Guide customers to pay attention to the advantages of doors and windows
The advantages and disadvantages of each product must coexist. When selling, we should know how to focus on the advantages of the product and try our best to guide customers to pay attention to the advantages of the product. For questions raised by customers, or some existing shortcomings, we must know how to skillfully answer and transform them into advantages, so we must be familiar with all the knowledge of the product. When customers find shortcomings, they must know how to solve customers' questions, in this way, customers can fully believe in the product and can buy it with confidence and courage.
3. Accurate insight into customer needs can grasp customer psychology
Customers of different ages and genders have different demand points for products. To promote products, we must first understand why customers want to buy them, so as to promote them accordingly. For example, some customers pursue high quality and low price, and their quality requirements are not high. However, shopping guides cannot find customers' needs and find high-end products recommend, which will only make customers feel disgusted. Therefore, you must always look at your opinions and find out the demand point, and you will be handy when selling.

1. How is the aluminum alloy profile of doors and windows made?

It is a profile mainly composed of aluminum and some alloy elements to enhance strength and hardness. Cast aluminum alloy can be divided into aluminum silicon alloy, Aluminum copper alloy, aluminum magnesium, aluminum titanium alloy, aluminum zinc alloy and aluminum rare earth alloy according to chemical composition. Generally, the raw material alloy is aluminum ingot, and after aluminum ingot is melted into aluminum rod, it is extruded into doors and windows aluminum strip by heating. It is not easy to oxidize rust-resistant at normal temperature, but it will react with hydrogen. Although the process is relatively slow, however, in order to increase the service life, surface spraying anti-oxidation treatment is needed, and the service life of the treated aluminum alloy profiles is over 30 years.

2. What is Bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy profile? What are its advantages?

It is divided into two ends in the process of processing. In the middle, PA66 nylon heat insulation strip is used to connect the two ends into a whole to form a profile with heat insulation layer. The inside and outside are separated, and the inside and outside colors can be chosen arbitrarily. It can be made into two colors with beautiful appearance, good performance and energy saving effect.

3. What is the difference between ordinary aluminum alloy profiles and bridge-cutoff aluminum alloy profiles?

Ordinary aluminum profiles have a single color, the whole is a conductor, and the heat transfer and heat dissipation are relatively fast; The color of broken bridge aluminum profiles is diversified, and PA66 nylon heat insulation strips are used to connect both ends to form heat insulation layers. The temperature difference between inside and outside is different, which will not transfer heat, it plays the role of heat preservation and energy saving.

4. What is the standard wall thickness of aluminum alloy door and window profile?

Aluminum Alloy window profile the wall thickness of the main stressed parts shall not be less than 1.4mm, and the thickness of the profile can be increased if the height reaches more than 20 layers; The wall thickness of the main stressed parts of the heavy sliding door profile shall not be less than 2.0mm, vertical hinged door the thickness of the profile is not less than 1.2mm; This is the national standard that meets the requirements of wind pressure resistance. A single door and window can be thickened if it exceeds 3-4 square meters. If it is too large, a column can be added to increase its physical strength.

5. What are the advantages of aluminum alloy doors and windows? What kind of anti-corrosion is the surface?

Aluminum alloy doors and windows will not oxidize or rust, which is firm and durable. The anti-corrosion treatment of aluminum alloy surface includes porcelain swimming, electrophoresis, powder spraying and PU wood grain spraying, among which fluorocarbon paint has better effect, it can be combined with the profile to become a part of the profile, and it is a layer of super anti-corrosion outer layer.

6. What is system doors and windows? How did it come from?

System doors and windows originated in Europe. Through years of household use, doors and windows are designed and produced when considering the sound insulation, wind pressure resistance, water resistance, safety and energy saving effects of doors and windows.

7. What is sliding doors and windows? What is flat doors and windows? What is the hanging window? What do you mean, open the inner window? What is fixed windows?

Sliding doors and windows: two doors and windows are in the same plane, and the doors and windows can be pushed and pulled horizontally to the left and right.

Flat open doors and windows: doors and windows open forward or backward. Opening doors and windows is not in the same plane, which will occupy a certain space and open indoors or outdoors in the wall.

Upper hanging window: the lower end is fixed, the opening fan is inclined to open, and the opening is on the top.

Inside opening and falling windows: European standard is adopted, which can be opened indoors and can be naturally ventilated. Doors and windows can also be opened when people are not at home. No matter how long the high-rise service time is, there is no need to worry about hitting downstairs.

Fixed doors and windows: doors and windows that cannot be opened.

8. What are the advantages of casement window, sliding window, and inner window?

Casement window is the traditional opening method in China, referred to as national standard for short;

Sliding window is simple and does not occupy space; The introduction is generous and commonly used in China;

The inside opening and falling windows adopt European standards, and the system design allows people to ventilate naturally when they are not at home, preventing rain from entering the house, holding indoors, the thief is not easy to open, and the spring and autumn night can sleep with the window open.

9. Why choose broken bridge aluminum doors and windows for installing doors and windows?

Lighting, the key is energy saving, environmental protection, sound insulation, heat insulation, solid structure, safe use, can set off the architectural style.

10. What are the main hardware accessories of sliding window? What are the main hardware accessories of casement window? What are the main hardware accessories for inner opening and inner pouring?

Sliding window main hardware accessories: pulley, Hook Lock, Crescent lock; Casement window main hardware accessories: linkage handle, dagger, hinge, lock point, lock box, hook and eye closure lock, Heaven and Earth lock, etc; the main hardware accessories of the inner window are: linkage handle, link rod, linkage, etc.

11. Features and functions of hardware accessories?

The features of hardware accessories are: push and pull, rotate, lock, and pull, which play the role of push and pull closing.

12. What is safety glass? What is the situation of using safety glass?

That is, after the glass is treated at high temperature, the quality changes, which enhances the strength of the glass. Even if the glass is damaged, it will become a small particle, which is not easy to hurt people.

1. It is the basis for realizing the transaction to fully mature the product content.

Excellent sales skills are not fancy "tricks", but happy expressions based on well-done product content. Obviously, if a salesperson knows nothing about his own products or knows little about them, and only relies on the so-called "sales skills" to face customers, as a result, the content about products is difficult to answer or meet the needs of customers. Then, the purely formal "sales skills" are just like a piece of waste paper with little use.

Obviously, excellent sales skills are first of all to be well-cooked in terms of product content, especially product features, product selling points, product functions, product differences, etc., and to form concise and clear sales statements, only in this way can customers be well guided to buy, or "see the recruitment and removal" for customers' problems, so as to meet customers' real needs. Obviously, the sales staff cooked the product content thoroughly, which is the basis for achieving sales transactions.

2. Perfectly release the essence of the brand to satisfy consumers

Obviously, in addition to product quality, characteristics and selling points, customers are also very elegant about brands. Unfortunately, the brand awareness of the products sold by a large number of aluminum alloy doors and windows distributors is not high. In view of this practical reason, experts believe that the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff of e799bee5baa6e997aee7ad94e78988e69d8331333365656563 should not be afraid, because most customers are not non-luxury brands or brands that advertise on TV every day, but as long as it is a distinctive brand that can satisfy it, it will buy it.

Therefore, the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff should show their brand image, brand positioning, brand characteristics and brand advantages well even if it is a small detail, that is, the essence of the brand is perfectly released, making customers feel that this brand is trustworthy and choice. Then, it is not difficult to deal with sales.

3. Reasonably "meet" the real needs of consumers

The process of product sales is a process of mutual competition between psychology and psychology. Obviously, if the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows distributors and sales staff want to achieve excellent sales performance, they must fully grasp the customer's psychology-through observation, understand the customer's ideas, needs, hobbies, preferences, purpose and other contents, so as to guide customers to understand and pay attention to products, and reasonably "meet" the real needs of customers. In this way, the sales transaction will follow suit. Obviously, this requires a large number of distributors and sales personnel to use it freely or reach a perfect state through long-term actual combat.

4. Willing to communicate with consumers and greet them properly

Through the efforts of the above three aspects, the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff will face customers and conduct actual sales operations. Obviously, when customers enter the store and greet them, it is the first job to do for sales transactions. Then, how can distributors and sales staff say hello properly so as to make customers satisfied and willing to communicate instead of disgusted? For this point, aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff can watch specific products, when customers touch the products, when customers show the status of looking for products, when you meet the customer's sight, when the customer talks with his companions and so on, you will be welcomed by the customer to greet the customer face to face, close to face, and have pleasant communication. This point, the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff must keep in mind.

5. Identify the real needs of customers and achieve happy transactions

Sales is an art that requires fine painting and carving for customers' consumption needs. Therefore, the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers should practice their eyes, know how to observe and observe, and accurately identify the real needs of customers. Obviously, only by accurately grasping the consumer demand of customers can we meet the real needs of customers and finally achieve a happy transaction. So, how can the majority of distributors and sales staff identify and grasp the real needs of customers?

There are three main methods: first, listen carefully to customers' needs or opinions so as to know their real shopping needs; Second, ask customers' needs in due time, this point needs to be put forward directly when the salesperson communicates with the customer happily, and the effect will be very good. The third is to analyze the customer's shopping motivation, for example, because the price is economical, the product is comfortable, excellent functions, increased personal attraction, attracted by advertisements, convenient use, economical and practical, etc. This point requires the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales personnel to continuously test, study and summarize in the actual sales process, so as to grasp it in place and do it better and better.

6. Avoid inappropriate and wrong ways of speaking in communication

When the distributors and sales staff introduce products to customers, they should introduce products to customers with great emotion. In particular, we should avoid some inappropriate and wrong ways of speaking. Adopting affirmative answers, guiding and praising, the transaction probability of product sales is very high. It can be seen from this that adopting positive, praising, guiding and passionate product introduction will make customers happier to buy, thus realizing the transaction of sales.

7. Encourage experience products in a timely manner to increase customers' purchasing desire

There is no doubt that when the salesperson basically determines the customer's interest point and target goods, it is necessary to encourage the customer to touch and experience the products according to the actual situation of the goods and increase the customer's purchasing desire. Obviously, it is easier for customers to experience more and satisfy customers, thus greatly improving the transaction probability of sales. Therefore, the majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows distributors and sales staff should encourage customers to touch or experience products.

8. Introduce some matching products to consumers in a timely manner

This is easy to do, because when customers are sure to buy a certain product, the sales staff can introduce some matching products to them in time, and most customers will be happy to buy it. If you are in a clothing store, if the customer buys pants, you can introduce the jacket and belt to the customer for reference and purchase.

9. Seize the opportunity of the transaction in time and realize the transaction decisively

When customers deeply understand, study or try on a certain product, distributors and sales staff should seize the opportunity in time to realize the transaction decisively. There are many methods, such as alternative: do you choose xx or xx? Another example: our promotion is the last day today. Another example is to bravely propose a method: Do you need to wrap this up? Wait. The majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff must know how to observe and observe, correctly grasp the customer's needs, and timely and decisively realize the sales transaction.

10. If the transaction is completed, talk to the customer with a smile

The majority of aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff should understand: sending customers away is not only the end of one sale, but also the beginning of the next successful sale. Therefore, no matter whether the customer is shopping or not, the distributor and the sales staff should say goodbye to the customer sincerely and with a smile. At the same time, it is possible to inform customers of new trends related to the company or goods, such as when new goods will arrive in our store, so as to remind customers to buy again.

Of course, in addition to learning the theoretical knowledge of sales skills, aluminum alloy doors and windows franchise dealers and sales staff also need long-term practical training, and constantly learn, ponder, improvement and promotion.