Rural Door and Window Size Geely Table

Rural doors and windows size Geely table query

1. The size of the gate should be proportional to the house, subject to Luban ruler, with 3,5,7,9 and ruler as Geely figures, and the height of the gate is the number of days 3 and 9, it is better to add 2.9 meters to the height and 2.8 meters to the width. The height of the gate is two meters and nine meters. It is very good according to Luban ruler. But the big house is small, of course, the door is not small.

2. Residential entry door generally adopt sub-mother door with a size of 1200 × 2000. Unit door width is not less than 2000, height is not less than 2200. The entry door double opening size with courtyard in rural areas generally adopts 1.5m or 1.8m.

3. Commercial housing entry door standard size: single door 1.2-1.5m wide, double door 1.8, 2m wide, not to mention the height. Rural bungalow, 2800mm high and 2600mm wide. Commercial housing entrance door, you can consider using the door, height 2050mm width 1260mm. 1 m to 1.5 m door, 1.5 more than double door!

4. Inner door is generally 900mm × 2200mm, and the conditional can be 1000mm × 2200mm.

Indoor Guard Door is generally 800mm × 2200mm.

Double Door 1300mm × 2200mm or 1500mm × 2200mm.

If there is a door head, such as a European door head, the height is generally about 2700mm.

5. Window size specification standard

General room window size

Generally, the size of Windows is regulated. In residential buildings, the height of Windows is 1.5m, plus the height of windowsill is 0.9m, the window apex distance 2.4m on the floor, leaving a structural height of 0.4m. In public buildings, the height of window sill varies from 1.0 m to 1.8m in general windows and opens to Casement of public walkways, among which the height of its bottom surface should not be less than 2.0m. As for the height of the window, it is decided according to the requirements of lighting, ventilation, space image, etc., but we must pay attention to the problem of excessive rigidity of the window, and add beams or "spell" when necessary ". In addition, when the height of the window sill is less than 0.8m, protective measures should be taken.

In modern glass curtain wall, the height of the whole piece of glass generally exceeds 7.2m, which is no longer within the size range of ordinary windows.

In the general window size, the window width usually starts from 0.6m, and the width is as wide as "with window". However, it should be noted that when the general window size adopts wide with window, the sound insulation problem in the room next to the left and right and the sliding range of sliding window fans should also pay attention to the size of the general window. The width of the window in the full open room will cause glare on the horizontal wall, exhibition rooms are not suitable.

I. The best size of the rural house gate

1. Under normal circumstances, the door of the House must adapt to the size of the House and the size of the yard, and adjust it according to your actual situation.

2. If the gate is designed as a single door, the width can not be less than 2 meters, and the height is preferably between 2 meters and 2.4 meters. If the gate is a double door, the width can be 1.5 meters or 1.8 meters, and the height is about 2.1 meters.

3. Usually, when designing the gate, you need to consider the size of the car at home. The door must be larger than the car to ensure smooth entry and exit.

Second, what size is the most auspicious for the rural Gate

Luban ruler is a measuring tool in ancient China. You can see feng shui according to the size. There are many auspicious sizes in the measurement of Luban ruler, as follows:

1. Size representing "wealth"

One inch (3.2cm), six inches (51.2cm), one inch (323.2cm)

2. The size of meaning

6-inch (cm), 2-foot-1-inch (cm), 3-foot-6-inch (cm), 7-shakuhachi-inch (cm)

3. The size representing Ji

93cm (cm), five feet six inches (cm), seven feet one inch (cm), eight feet eight inches (cm)

(These Geely sizes are not only applicable to the height and width of the gate, but also applicable to various sizes at home. You can refer to them.)

III. Feng shui taboo of rural gate size

1. The gate cannot be too high

If the gate is too high, the population of the family will be less and less, which will have a bad influence on future generations. Moreover, after a long time, the family will be vain and affect the fortune of the family.

2. The gate cannot be too low

If the door of the family is too low, it will affect the entrance and exit of the family, making the family short-sighted, cowardly and easily bullied.

3. The gate cannot be too wide

If the gate is too wide, the wealth of the family will leak out and the blessing will not be retained. After a long time, the health of the family will become worse and worse, and both study and work will be very hard.

4. The gate should not be too narrow

Too narrow the door will affect the mood of the family, and the depression will not be smooth, which will bring a quarrel among the family, and the family will become narrow-minded.

5. The Gate cannot be too big

Usually, the size and style of the gate are the embodiment of the status of the occupants. When choosing the gate, you cannot blindly pursue luxury and arrogance. If the gate is seriously inconsistent with the status of the occupants, on the contrary, it will bring a big disaster to the family. Moreover, if the door is too large, the family will not be able to keep money, and the daily expenses will be more and more, leading to the low fortune.

6. The Gate cannot be too small

If the gate is too small, it will affect the aura of the home, making the breath of the house unable to enter and exchange, the blessing can not come in, and the turbidity can not come out, resulting in a worse fortune in the home.