Differences between Aluminum-Clad Pine and Oak

Oak: Oak is widely distributed in the eastern United States, with obvious growth rings and slightly wavy shapes. Fine texture, not easy to absorb water, corrosion resistance, heavy weight, solid structure of doors and windows, long service life, and good willfulness, can be processed into various curved shapes as needed, quite beautiful. Doors and windows made of oak are expensive.

Aluminum-clad pine is a window material made of pine as Wood to cover aluminum. It is a kind of aluminum-clad wood, while doors and windows made of oak are pure wood windows.

In terms of price, Oak is the most expensive, Beech is the second, Pine is the cheaper; In terms of material, Pine is relatively tender, and the other two are relatively hard. Due to the different parts used, it is impossible to say which one is good, and that one must be bad. There are many kinds of pine, which are widely used, both indoors and outdoors. Oak and beech are usually seen in interior decoration, but few are used outdoors. They can generally be used to make floors, trim board surface layers, furniture, wood lines, etc. Some pine trees are also useful for furniture and plywood, some are used for floor joist, ceiling wooden keel, and many other places. In short, they each have their own scope of application, and many parts cannot be replaced with each other. There are price factors and the characteristics of wood itself.