Broken Bridge Aluminum 70 80 90 Difference

Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows 70.80.90 means that the width of the aluminum frame of the Broken Bridge is 7 centimeters. 8 centimeters. 9 centimeters. Three widths can be selected! Because generally, the units that do these are expressed in mm! Known as 70.80.90! Now the market still has to choose from!

The difference between 70 broken bridge aluminum and 80?

1. Window frame width

70 is 7cm, 80 is 8cm.


II. Wall thickness

The 70 series uses aluminum with a wall thickness of 1.8mm, and the 80 series uses aluminum with a wall thickness of 2.0mm.

3. Different use locations.

In view of the different width of doors and windows, the weight and quality are different, and 80 series Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows can be used outdoors, because 80 series uses the most materials, with excellent wind pressure resistance and stronger strength.

IV. Different production processes.

The 70 series adopts ten sealing designs. The 80 series adopts twelve sealing designs.


5. Different glass equipment.

70 series standard is 5+22+5 hollow glass, 80 series standard 5+25+5 hollow glass, sound insulation effect, 80 is better.

6. Different hardware accessories.

80 series uses stronger hardware materials on hardware accessories. More suitable for outdoor use.

The so-called broken bridge aluminum model specification refers to the width of the main frame of the material, not the total width of Casement. The so-called 70 series, 80 series, 90 series on the market, it refers to the width of the Broken Bridge aluminum main frame is 7cm, 8cm and 9cm respectively, which is what we usually call the broken bridge aluminum model specification.

How do we choose the right Broken Bridge aluminum model?

1. Broken Bridge aluminum doors and windows of the northern regions are basically ordinary broken bridge aluminum windows, with models ranging from 55 series to 80 series. Taking Beijing as an example, 90% of home decoration doors and windows in the market are 70 series doors and windows, for household broken bridge aluminum doors and windows, we also recommend that you choose 70 series windows, which is enough. If it is 60 series doors and windows, it is OK, but from the perspective of cost performance, it is more cost-effective to choose 70 series Broken Bridge aluminum, moreover, whether it is sound insulation or material thickness, 70 series of broken bridge aluminum is much better than 60 series. So some owners need 80 series, or even 90 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows?

The answer is: yes, but its main material is 70 material, which is only widened on the heat insulation strip. For example, the standard heat insulation strip for traditional 70 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows is less than 2.5, if you ask the merchant to make 80 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows, it is nothing more than changing the main material insulation strip of the previous 70 series from 2.5 to 3.5. Basically, most manufacturers operate like this, only a few aluminum brands have broken bridge aluminum main materials of 80 series. If broken bridge aluminum windows of 90 series are required, the same operation is also required. If the heat insulation strip is widened, the better the heat insulation and conduction performance will be, however, the standard requirements for heat insulation strips are higher, otherwise the materials on both sides of the Broken Bridge aluminum will easily break; This is the 70, 80 and 90 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows in the northern region.


2. The standards of broken bridge aluminum windows in the South are different for the 70, 80, and 90 series. The doors and windows in the South are mainly window screen integrated broken bridge aluminum windows, the Broken Bridge aluminum windows here can be achieved from the 80 series to the 140 Series. Here, the 80 series Broken Bridge aluminum windows are still the basic starting series. Generally, the heat insulation strips are 1.48, only the heat insulation strip of large Series products will be wider, but its Casement heat insulation strip is still 1.48cm, and there is a big difference between the north and the South Broken Bridge aluminum windows, the window screen integrated window in the South, for example, the 80 series refers to the width of the main frame of 8cm, and the 108 series refers to the width of the main frame of the window of 10.8cm, but some merchants steal the beam and change the column, adding the width of Casement.


Finally, it is concluded that the broken bridge aluminum windows of closed balconies in northern areas are basically more than 60 and 70 series, of which most of the Beijing market are 70 series, while the closed balconies in southern areas are from 80 Series, 85 series, there are 95 series to 108 series, and there is no absolute mainstream series model, but in recent years, many owners tend to choose 108 series, which is the majority.