Is It Safe to Break the Bridge Window without Guardrail?

The inner and outer frame materials of the broken bridge window adopt hollow design, the inner and outer frame materials of the three-way broken bridge window adopt hollow design, and the EPDM sealing strip closing seal is adopted. The antibody tensile strength, shear strength and thermal deformation resistance of the broken bridge window are high, and the wind pressure deformation resistance is strong, good resistance to off Register. The ethylene-propylene sealing strip closes the seal, and the antibody tensile strength, shear strength and thermal deformation resistance of the broken bridge window are high, the wind pressure deformation resistance is strong, and the resistance to off register is good.
It can be used in high-rise buildings and residential buildings, and can design large-area window type with large lighting area. The air tightness of this window is better than any plastic window, which can ensure that the indoor windowsill and floor in areas with large wind and sand are dust-free. Although the broken bridge window has strong wind and sand resistance, guardrail should be installed for safety.

. It may not be safe for broken bridge windows without guardrail. Although the broken bridge window has strong wind and sand resistance, guardrail should be installed for safety.

Decide whether you need to install protective grating. When the new Hausen doors and windows are 5261, I remind you that if they are floor-to-ceiling windows, please confirm that the part below 1.05 meters is not 4102 tempered glass. If not, the hidden danger is 1653. The window opens inside and outside. It is better to press it if there are children in the house. There are no children. The window opens inside and can be hung flat or not.

No matter how high the window is, please confirm 1. At the same time, I remind you, if it is a floor-to-ceiling window. Less than 05 meters; The second is to decide whether you need to install protective grating for lighting and beauty. Some owners have removed protective grating of the original developers according to the building specifications, for example, the bay window in the bedroom needs to calculate the distance from the window table to the window)
Therefore, you can combine the above information with the actual situation of your home. If not, invisible protection car window shade is usually installed on each opening fan: First, there are old people and children in the home according to the requirements of the building code. Whether the part below 05 meters is tempered glass or not, the hidden danger is very big. Open the lower mouth of the fan to the ground (the platform with a width of more than 150mm is regarded as the ground. However, in real life, guardrails need to be installed, but there are potential safety hazards. Owners have two ways to deal with them.