Broken Bridge Aluminum 450 Yuan Per Square Meter

Now there are people searching "Broken Bridge aluminum 450 yuan per square meter" everywhere on the internet. Why does this word appear so frequently on the Internet? Let's first analyze the following reasons:

1. End consumers don't know much about the new brand broken bridge aluminum. Maybe they just heard that broken bridge aluminum is better than aluminum alloy for Windows. But I don't know what other real benefits are, and I don't know the price gap between aluminum alloy and broken bridge aluminum. I always think it is similar to the previous aluminum alloy.

2. Terminal sellers often talk with consumers in the name of "contract note" when communicating with consumers for broken bridge aluminum, at the same time, there was the previous common price of aluminum alloy 450 yuan per square meter as a real sale to consumers. For a long time, many consumers will search for relevant information on the Internet before or after purchasing. Therefore, the word "Broken Bridge aluminum 450 yuan per square meter" is more popular on the Internet.

So is the real broken bridge aluminum doors and windows 450 yuan per square meter?

The answer is: No.

The reasons are as follows:

1. At present, the wholesale purchase broken bridge aluminum of manufacturers in the market is generally about 25000 yuan per ton. After the purchase comes back, the manufacturers need to process, plus aerial glass, hardware accessories, factory rent, labor costs, operating costs, etc. If these are added, it is impossible for 450 yuan per square meter to operate.

2. Manufacturers of truly broken bridge aluminum brands usually need to advertise, launch brands, become famous brands, and provide after-sales services. These are all cost-effective operations.

Therefore, it can be said that there is no broken bridge aluminum in the market that can really reach 450 yuan per square meter. If consumers can buy 450 yuan per square meter, it only means that it is not really broken bridge aluminum.