Broken Bridge Aluminum Doors and Windows Basic Sales Knowledge

Do you sell doors and windows if you understand them? Not necessarily. Door and window sales understanding doors and windows is only a basic skill. To do a good job in door and window sales, you need to have sales skills in addition to understanding the selling points of doors and windows, so as to better lock your customers.

I. What are the sales skills of doors and windows?

1. Master product expertise and selling points

To become a winner, you must first become an expert. As a shopping guide's basic skills, we must first master the selling points of the products (including the relevant corporate culture) and dig out the differences of the products sold (as long as we find them attentively), then, "to be longer than shorter" (that is, "to be shorter than one's own", this is the reality of market competition, of course, you must master certain speaking skills, we must never attack competitive brands maliciously). Only by being professional can we stand out in the cruel competition and create good sales performance.

2. Good at recognizing customers

As a shopping guide, the competition every day is very fierce, especially in hypermarkets with many brands. Therefore, how to quickly identify who must buy goods today, who are potential customers, and who are just looking at them in the shopping mall in a hurry, who are the "undercover informer" of other manufacturers or distributors needs the shopping guide to accumulate over time, practice "good eyesight", and then seize the opportunity decisively to target different "customers" (in a broad sense, all the customers came) take different countermeasures, and finally realize the effective sales of "not only sold the goods, but also made publicity, and also sent away the Undercover.

3. Able to grasp the needs of prospective customers

After seizing the right opportunity, the next step is how to find out their needs for real customers as soon as possible. After identifying the real needs of customers, we can "tailor our clothes" and "take the right key" to ensure that every customer can return with satisfaction.

4. Good at touching customers' emotions

After identifying the real needs of customers, the next step is to "be emotional and reasonable" to customers ". Generally speaking, unless it is the "advocate" or "HTK" of the brand, ordinary customers often unconsciously carry a kind of "critical doubt" when they first contact a brand ", at this time, if the shopping guide" does not know the time "or" does not know the interest "and comes to the front, it is very likely that the customer will immediately say" nothing, I just look around, I'm afraid this is the ending that we all don't want to have. Therefore, we might as well start with simple greetings, step by step, step by step, and win customers' recognition in the most effective way first. As long as he recognizes you, it will be easy to do the following. At this time, if you guide him to the product step by step, he will unconsciously hit your kind "trap", follow your description to enter the wonderful product world obediently. "It is the time when the Willow blossoms are bright." at this time, if he doesn't buy it again, he will always feel sorry for you. You said, can he not buy it?

5. Know to compare heart with heart

In fact, some shopping guides are prone to embarrassment of "lack of confidence" or "insincere" in the process of shopping guides, but few people think about why. To resolve this embarrassment, as long as you compare your heart with your heart, imagine yourself as a customer in your heart. If you buy it, what kind of problems will you have, what aspects will you care about, what services will you care about, and if you really do this, then your shopping guide skills will certainly be improved imperceptibly, your affinity to customers will be enhanced unconsciously, and your service awareness will be beautifully improved to another level, your sales performance will take a new step.

6. Design the opening remarks of shopping guide

-A good shopping guide should explain or show what benefits and benefits customers will get if they buy our products. We should not only publicize the advantages of products, but also transform the advantages of products into the interests of customers. Facing customers, you can say this: "You must want to get the most perfect decoration effect at the most reasonable cost. With our strong/Jinke doors and windows, you can achieve this goal. We can choose the right variety for you according to your situation, calculate the most reasonable material cost, and our after-sales service tracking personnel ensure the construction effect of your home." After that, answer according to customer needs.

7. Use the skills of asking questions to customers

There are many skills in asking questions to customers, and different ways of asking questions will have different effects. For example, when a customer comes in to buy doors and windows, you ask in person, "What is the use of buying doors and windows? What kind of doors and windows do you buy?" Customers may think you are impatient and impolite. But if our shopping guide could ask with a smile, "Sir! I don't think you mind telling me where you want to buy doors and windows? In this way, I can help you choose the right variety and model and calculate the usage for you ". In this way, the customer will think that you want to help him and that you are an expert in this field, and he will believe you. In addition, attention must be paid when asking questions: At the beginning, don't ask many questions to customers, neither can you show that you are very cold, making customers feel that you don't want to know more. Nor can they show great interest in customers' private affairs. You can ask a question at most once. Remember not to ask it endlessly. In addition, don't use the interrogation tone to ask questions. You should have a gentle tone and not directly deny the opinions and opinions of customers.

8. How to let customers follow you

Before buying things, many customers have actually heard some information about products and have some inspiration. Their information may come from decoration companies, designers, friends recommend, advertising promotions and other factors. At this time, the task of the shopping guide is to strengthen the influence of this information and further lead him to the right direction. It may be difficult to try to change the original thoughts and concepts of customers, but if our shopping guides can make full use of the existing foundation and the information known to customers to talk with them, try to use "the customer's expected answer" to answer his question, which makes it easy for the customer to go in the direction you set and finally make the decision you want unconsciously.

II. What are the academic stresses on door and window sales?

What is pressure? Pressure is to make customers feel uncomfortable! What is the result of discomfort? Just get rid of discomfort!

There are two reasons for the discomfort of customers entering the store: first, the most sensitive part of customers is to pay him, or to pay too fast; Second, don't invade his private space, don't be entangled, because now customers are becoming more and more self-oriented and paying more and more attention to the freedom of private space.

However, based on the analysis of the above two reasons, the current terminal shopping guide either makes the words wrong or has improper physical behavior, which makes the mentality of silent customers who are on alert become more closed, so that they have the idea that they should not pay attention to the shopping guide, they should quickly find the products they like, and if not, they should "transfer" quickly "! Therefore, the reception with great pressure is actually what we call "one step at a time", but it is just "kicking" the customers out, and I do not know it, the rest is either complaining that customers are too difficult to deal with, or starting to find their own products without features, or blaming the brand awareness. In short, they will find a lot of problems to complain, and use this to forgive your own mistakes.

So, how to get close to customers is no pressure? Or to minimize this pressure?

1. As mentioned above, it doesn't matter. Keep at least 1 with customers. A distance of more than 5 meters; Do not block the way for customers to move forward, control their feet, and do not create any obstacles for customers;

2. Talk and keep your mouth shut. Try to avoid approaching customers with questioning statements, such:

Hello, did you buy **products?"

"May I help you?"

If you like it, you can experience it"

When we Chinese face colleagues or friends who look up and don't look down, because we have nothing to say, we will use a mantra to greet each other, "Have you eaten?" This kind of greeting, which is different from the Western "hello" and "good morning", is the legacy of our thousands of years of agricultural village lifestyle. However, many shopping guides bring these daily habits to the terminal to deal with customers, so it is typical not enough to approach customers, which brings great obstacles to our sales.

The following methods can be used to correctly approach the customer's opening:

"Sir, you have great vision. This is our...... Product, this style is very unique......" (Approach customers with praise)

"Miss, our product is selling very well now. Let me introduce it to you......" (Go straight to the point)

"Hello, Miss, this ceiling is the latest style we have just shipped. The style is elegant and different. Let me show you a small sample......!"

"Sir, you have a good eye. This smallpox is the latest launch of the company. It is very suitable for senior people like you. You may feel it;" (correct)

Moreover, you can also explore the demand by taking advantage of the situation. "excuse me, sir/miss, do you like light or dark ones?" Then we can deeply understand the customer's needs and further introduce them according to the customer's needs. This is basically the first time to "break the ice". This is the first step for the terminal shopping guide to proceed smoothly, and it is also an important standard to test whether the shopping guide is qualified.

Silent customers and barriers to buying habits

Yes, the above points can only avoid the generation of "ice towel". After all, no matter how hard we try, there will always be some customers who say "just look around" or keep silent. What should we do? You know, customers don't speak, we never have a chance, because you don't know what he is thinking, you don't know what he wants, of course, you don't know what you should do! At this time, the second "ice breaking" will be carried out"

Let's take a look at how we usually deal with it:

Deal with error 1 "it doesn't matter, you can take a look at it first!"

Deal with error 2 "OK, you can see if you like it first, and call me whenever necessary!"

Response to error 3 "..." (Speechless)

The first two responses belong to negative language, which implies that customers can take a look at them casually and leave after a look. The key is that once the shopping guide responds like this, it will increase the difficulty if they come forward to approach the customers, it is a natural sales behavior that is rapidly defeated and gives up voluntarily. As for the silent response of the third kind, it will not only bow to the wind, but also seem a little embarrassed and customers will feel uncomfortable.

The correct response strategy is:

1. Don't care too much about the "casual look" of customers, because it has become a casual deal for each of us when buying, that is to say, it is our buying habit, so don't care what these customers say casually, not to mention the problem itself.

2. We should find ways to reduce the psychological pressure of customers as soon as possible, skillfully turn the customer's topic into a reason to approach customers, and then ask customers some topics that they care about and are easy to answer, so as to move forward in a direction conducive to the positive sales process. If the shopping guide can skillfully use this method, it can have the effect of taking advantage of the power of Cork.

The specific response can be said as follows:

Template 1: "Yes, sir! Every detail of decorating a new house is very important, and you must have a look! However, we have just arrived recently. Two ceiling and electrical appliances are very good products. Many customers like them very much. You can get to know them first! Come here, please......"

Template 2: "It doesn't matter, Sir! It doesn't matter if you buy it now. You can learn about our products first. Come on, let me introduce you first...... Excuse me, how is your current renovation progress? What is the color of doors, windows and cabinets? You prefer....?"

First identify the customer to relieve the psychological pressure of the customer, then use the excited tone to turn around, Guide to emphasize the introduction of a certain product, and at the same time use professional gestures to guide. At this time, most customers will feel enthusiastic and difficult, and then go to the next process of product introduction. While guiding customers to a certain product, you can also explore the needs in your own way, promote products with more purpose. At this time, customers are basically included in your channel, begin to be willing to listen to you, leave some time and start to extend, thus achieving the goal of "breaking ice" for the second time.

Actually, it's not over yet. The shopping guide asked, "despite using this method, it will still be rejected by customers. What should I do?" Here is a set of solutions:

First of all, in the face of such a customer, don't lose heart, let alone complain, or even feel that your self-esteem is hurt; You know, it is normal for the customer to respond like this, as long as he has not left the store, you still have a chance;

Secondly, the method of taking retreat as advance can be adopted. But to make both you and the customer have face, you can neither show your rudeness but hurt the customer and drive the customer away; Nor can you seem boring and embarrassed.

At this point, you can say, "it doesn't matter, Sir! You can choose your favorite products again. Please call me immediately if necessary!" Remember: When speaking, you must smile and show your sincerity. Then, enter the second flight search state, and then carry out the third "ice breaking" according to the above process. Of course, when the third "ice breaking", aiming at this kind of difficult customer,, used to pry open the customer's mouth. After all, there is an old saying in China that "eating people's mouth is soft and taking people's hands are short". We are not attracting customers, but we can close the distance between you and them, finally, the third "ice breaking" was successfully realized ".

Believe in yourself! As long as you are professional enough, as long as you are sincere enough, as long as your service can reflect your value, you will surely be able to achieve "breaking the ice. In the final conclusion, someone asked, "How can we achieve 'icebreaking?" The answer is: when you feel that customers are willing to listen to your introduction of products, you will basically realize "ice breaking. After "Breaking the Ice", customers should be quickly introduced to the product experience. Only when customers participate in the product experience will the store stay time be extended accordingly, only then can we have more opportunities. At the same time, in the process of interaction with customers, shopping guides should explore customers' needs through effective questioning methods, stimulate their purchasing desire, and guide customers to move forward towards purchasing......