What Are the Standards for System Doors and Windows?

System doors and windows require the watertightness, air tightness, wind pressure resistance of doors and windows, as well as a series of important functions such as heat insulation, sound insulation, noise protection, Operation feel, etc., and also consider the materials used by each sub-module, for example, the comprehensive performance results of aluminum, glass, hardware accessories, sealant, auxiliary accessories and car window shade are indispensable. According to the requirements of the overall solution, design, manufacture and installation are carried out, in actual use, this series of functions are implemented.

First of all, the aluminum used in our system doors and windows is called porcelain swimming aluminum. Its surface treatment is a 12 micron protective coating. Like this protective coating, it is wear-resistant and has high strength, it has reached a standard of our aerospace materials, has super weather resistance, and can adapt to various extreme bad weather, such as high temperature, low temperature, and wind sand, including this kind of aluminum, and is not afraid of cement mortar, it is not afraid of acid and alkali, and has a longer service life, which can reach five or ten years.

Ordinary broken bridge aluminum doors and windows use the hardware of column hinge, and we have this sealing strip in casement. When installing column hinge, we must disconnect the sealing strip. However, the system doors and windows use hardware imported from Germany. Its advantage is that it adopts hidden hinge and does not need to disconnect the sealing strip.

The first point: wind pressure resistance

It refers to the performance that no damage occurs when the outer doors and windows are under the action of wind pressure. For example, cracking, profile damage, glass damage, bonding failure, and opening obstacles of loose hardware are divided into 9 levels, the average value of system doors and windows reaches Level 6 standard (the value coefficient of basic wind pressure is 0.8KN/㎡), import system doors and windows can reach the highest level.

Second point: air tightness

The simple point is that under the normal closed state, the ability to prevent air penetration is divided into 8 levels. The average level of system doors and windows reaches 6, and the import system doors and windows can reach the highest level.

Third point: watertightness

Under the normal closed state of doors and windows, the ability to prevent rainwater from penetrating when it is windy and rainy is divided into 6 levels. The average level of system doors and windows reaches 4 standards, and the import system doors and windows can reach the highest level.

Fourth point: thermal insulation

That is, the k value mentioned in the professional terms of doors and windows. The system doors and windows are not lower than the level 3 standard, and the imported system doors and windows can reach the highest level. Renas and xuge have series with k values below 0.8 respectively.

Fifth point: sound insulation

Also known as sound insulation and noise reduction, it refers to the ability to weaken the sound transmission from the sound source to the listener. It is divided into six levels. The system doors and windows are no less than the level 3 standard, and the imported system doors and windows can reach the highest level.