Five Performances of System Doors and Windows

(1) wind pressure resistance: it refers to the undamaged performance of external doors and windows under wind pressure, such as not easy to crack, profile damage, glass damage, bonding failure, opening obstacles of loose hardware, etc, it is divided into 9 levels. System doors and windows reach level 6 on average

(2) air tightness: Simply speaking, the ability of the outer doors and windows to prevent air penetration under the normal closed state is divided into 8 levels. The average level of system doors and windows is 6, and the imported system doors and windows can reach a higher level.

(3) watertightness: the ability of doors and windows to prevent rainwater infiltration during wind and rain under normal closed conditions is divided into 6 levels. System doors and windows reach level 4 on average

(4) thermal insulation performance: that is, the k value of doors and windows. System doors and windows shall not be lower than Level 3 standard

(5) sound insulation performance: also known as sound insulation and noise reduction, it refers to reducing the sound transmission ability of the sound source to the listener, which is divided into 6 levels, and the system doors and windows are not less than 3 levels.