Door and Window Installer Monthly Salary 8000 Yuan

Generally, the price of push-pull Windows is about 200-300 yuan, the price of shutters is about 300-4 hundred yuan, and the price of flat windows is between 400-5 hundred. The price should be judged according to the materials used. At the same time, the installation difficulty of the floor also requires additional installation fees.

For example, if the installation of Beijing broken bridge aluminum doors and windows is about 30-35 yuan per square meter, if the family has a broken bridge and an aluminum balcony, generally, the installation of broken bridge aluminum doors and windows of more than ten square meters requires two workers to install it. The price is 600 yuan per day, that is, a worker costs 300 yuan per day. This price is still a long-term installation for broken bridge aluminum doors and windows factories.


At present, the salary of big workers in door and window installation is still very high, at least much higher than that of ordinary small workers. The specific amount of money depends on where you do it, because the labor prices in different cities are also different. If it is said that in some big cities, the salary of this kind of door and window installation worker is about 300~350 yuan a day. It's about 8,000 yuan a month.

Many people want to know how much the salary is for the installation of doors and windows. Now the salary for the installation of doors and windows is still quite large, but few young people are willing to do this now. I think the specific salary depends on the city. Different cities have different consumption levels and different wages. In first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the salary of door and window installers has basically exceeded 10,000 a month.