Why Do You Say That This Golden Nine Silver Ten Is the Golden Period for Buying a House?

The new disk will be released together, and the crowds will compete for hegemony.

This golden nine silver ten, driven by the new round of good news in the same city of Guangfo, is even more irresistible!

For buyers who want to enter, it is a golden period!


Foshan's multi-plate popularity is full

Nine gold and ten silver, which can be called the golden period of admission

Since entering Jinjiu, how lively the property market at the junction of Guangfo has been. Let's briefly review:

In the middle of September, the new plate of Chen village was first opened and turned into 90%, and the first shot of the Golden nine silver was fired;

In the past month, Sanshan new town will have at least 4 sets of hair, and the blowing price will exceed 30000/flat ceiling;

In the Jinsha Island sector, which was once cut off, the supply of new goods entered a blowout period, and the selling price will also rise to a new level;

Such an unprecedented outbreak of concentration is very rare in the previous Guangfo market.

On the one hand, the confidence behind this series of actions cannot be separated from the new round of good news of Guangfo city.

Guangfo mentioned deep cooperation again and planned 29 cross-city connection tracks. The distance between the two cities was "getting closer and closer", and the land market immediately sent a warming signal.

Take the Chencun New Town Plot sold on September 2 as an example. It was besieged by 17 housing enterprises and finally sold at accommodation value of 15500/square meters, setting a new plate record.

At this point, the land price ceiling of Guangfo Junction Street is already full of red.

It can be seen that market-heat is high, and it is natural to pay a higher cost when it is late.

On the other hand, many properties of "gold, nine silver and ten" have pushed forward special price units and down payment installments to lower the threshold of real estate.

It is similar to the shopping carnival of Double Eleven, and it is also a critical period for housing enterprises to sprint for performance. Therefore, most real estates will take out "real discounts" on this node to benefit buyers.

With the blessing of both, this Golden nine silver Ten is called the golden period for buyers to enter the market.

Keep up with the three principles and take you to choose potential stocks.

So, how to choose high-quality potential stocks when buying a house in Foshan?

The real estate manager believes that the key to grasping the three core rules is: location, scarce resources, and brand housing enterprises. Of course, it is better to be a price depression.

Golden Rule 1: preferred core area

First of all, the first rule of house appreciation logic must be the core area.

However, if you buy a house in Foshan, the most valuable nature is the Guangfo junction, which cannot be refuted.

Qiandeng Lake, Jinsha Island, Sanshan New Town and Beijiao New Town are all the hottest areas in the real estate market.

In addition, the potential sector determined by the government is indispensable. For example, Lishui Heshun, radiated by Baiyun technology industry, is planned as the "Baiyun-South China Sea" experimental zone.

The border of Guangfo

Golden Rule 2: identify core values

Secondly, before buying a house, you should know what you need and find the right value.

No matter self-occupied investment, transportation, education and living facilities are all key indicators.

When it comes to appreciation, projects that occupy scarce resources have higher collection value. For example, the river scenery of the Pearl River/Dongping River and the Lake View of Qiandeng Lake/Yayi Lake are all "necessary skills" of luxury property ".


Photo taken by Pearl River property market

Golden Rule 3: preferred brand Housing Enterprises

Thirdly, choosing brand housing enterprises is more secure in terms of living quality and appreciation potential.

For example, the apartment type is highly practical, the community function planning is more professional, and the property service is more humanized.

It is not difficult to explain why in the second-hand market, in the same sector, the real estate of brand housing enterprises is often more expensive than that of ordinary residential areas, but better.

1 word head! Gold digging Pearl River treasure plate

Speaking of this, you may think that housing prices should not be in heaven if they can have real estate with good location and scarce resources at the same time and are built by powerful housing enterprises?

The property manager found that in fact, there was a treasure plate at the junction of Guangfo. As long as "1 word", it was still a river view room in the South.

If you don't sell it, it is a sea parade located in Li Shui.

How good is it? I have to dig deep today.

Occupy the core area of Guangfo

Enjoy a complete life circle within 3 kilometers

As we all know, the more Guangzhou is, the more valuable it is ".

The 6 kilometers east of the sea is Guangzhou Baiyun, and the straight distance to Baiyun New City is only more than 10 kilometers, but the price difference is 4 times.

Starting from the project, you can go directly to Qiandeng Lake along Guihe Road. Without traffic jam, it only takes 30 minutes.

More importantly, the location of the project, even the official "take a look".

The water sector where it is located is the "Baiyun-South China Sea" group in Guangfo's "1+4" integrated development plan, and the two cities plan to build a smart growth digital economy collaborative innovation zone.

In other words, in the coordinated development of Guangfo, the resources that give priority to development will be tilted here.

As for matching, it can be played with everything.

The surrounding 3-kilometer living circle covers mature supporting facilities such as provincial-level schools, top-three hospitals, commercial centers, etc. There are also 4A-level scenic spots, which can turn others' holidays into your daily life at any time.

Such a sumptuous matching, compared with several housing prices in Foshan, the "sitting 2 and looking 3" plate is an incomparable level.

It is no wonder that in the past two years, it is expensive to sell land around the sea.

Take the blue-ray plot on the other side of the project as an example. Accommodation value is close to 12000/square meter. After adding costs such as Jian'an, the future price station 20000/square meter will be a high probability event.

However, the current price is only 16000/square meters, which is not too obvious!


Water price in the past two years

On the other hand, compared with the project on the other side of the sea, which is facing south, the value gap is very different.

Looking at different sections of Guangzhou and the projects of Nanxiang Wangjiang, most of them are 100000 + mansions, even the ceiling of the whole city.

Moreover, with the development of Linjiang land coming to an end, these units will become out-of-print collections with immeasurable value.

House price data source: Anjuke

Scarce! Summer long fermentation high quality South to Linjiang

Standard 100000 + mansion life

What is rare is that under such fierce market competition, it can still be a project with landscape, matching, quality and cost performance.

It's hard to find the second one except for the sea reading.

The whole project was built along the river, only about 50 meters from the river bank line, and it was a kilometer without blocking the river surface.

Villas and foreign houses are lined up before and after, which not only ensures that all products can face south in the north, but also enables most products to look at the river.

Let every owner feel luxurious and equal living experience.


Owner's daily reality images

Double state-owned enterprises

Create the first white swan community of Guangfo

What would be the beginning of such an ingenious product?

It comes from the hands of double-Country Enterprises and is jointly built by Yuehai and White Swan real estate under Guangdong travel control group.

Yuehai, from Panyu-Lijiang Garden to Yuexiu-Yuehai Shigui mansion, has already controlled the scale of Jiangjing property. Every product is a powerful work with good reputation.

The site selection of the project is more forward-looking, including Tianhe City shopping center, Sheraton Hotel, Yuehai Tianhe city building and other buildings, as well as Wanbo CBD Yuehai square. The layout is the core area of the city!

There is no mistake in choosing property and following the vision of this state-owned enterprise!

This time, the addition of White Swan Caiyi hotel has added a strong value to the whole project.

The second five-star hotel developed and managed by White Swan stands in the sea-reading community, becoming the top business card to enhance the property value.

Throughout the over 600 projects on sale in Guangfo, there are only 3 residential projects that can introduce star hotels, that is, only less than 0.5% of the opportunities.

Living here, whether it is sighing morning tea, holding a private banquet or meeting friends, it can be easily realized.

Not only that, it will also become the first meeting room for guests from Guangfo elite, business and political leaders, etc., forming a high-end living circle at the door.

Household Nanxiang Wangjiang

1 word head preemptible full score product

Deep into community planning, it is also hidden surprises everywhere.

The 6-meter high entrance lobby, three functional swimming pools, Binjiang style commercial street... the project controls every detail, which can make the owners feel honored and enjoy.

In order to improve the living comfort, the whole community adopts the layout of 2 ladders, 3 households or 2 ladders and 4 households, giving the owners a rich living space.

In terms of apartment type, it covers 90-156 ㎡ from three rooms to four rooms, facing south in the north, so that each window has river or mountain views.


Sea reading reality images

What is more rare is that every house type in the sea has innovation.

For example, the 2+1 house design with a surface of about 90 square meters can achieve North-South convection and enjoy double-sided beauty when entering the house.

The three open rooms face south, allowing each living space to maintain excellent lighting and ventilation.


Building surface about 90 ㎡ North-South convection apartment diagram

It is also a 2+1 room with a surface of about 90 square meters, and different patterns are also designed on the products by sea reading.

For example, this 270 ° viewing bay window will bring the landscape surface to the extreme. Whether it is Mountain View or river bank enthusiasts, you can find "exclusive customization" here ".


The building surface is about 90 ㎡ 270 ° View apartment diagram

If you have a higher pursuit for the sense of space, or want to be in place in one step, the building surface is about 135/156 ㎡. Don't miss it.

135 square meters four rooms adopt horizontal Hall design and 8 meters luxury Jingyang platform.

The dining room and living room have broad south-facing lighting surface, and the blue sky, river surface and green shade form a beautiful picture.

Its south-facing master bedroom is equipped with an independent toilet, which is very private and has a good sense of space.


Schematic diagram of building area of about 135 ㎡

The most important thing is that such a first-class location + top-level works still maintain unprecedented advantages with "1 word.

Compared with most housing prices, "sit 2 and look 3" in Lingguang area, isn't it like a depression?

(Article Source: Tencent home, invasion and deletion)