Is It the Standard Cooperation of Pan-Household Manufacturers to Drain 15000 Customers to Distributors in a Month?

Recently, a phenomenon has been noticed that manufacturers have begun to adopt various methods to operate their own private traffic pools and drain dealers. For example, some companies have set up special O2O stores to undertake online traffic. Some manufacturers directly push consulting customers to distributors.


(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

according to incomplete statistics, at least many companies such as Qu Mei, Mengjie and Shangpin Home collection are planning various methods to directly push orders from potential customers to distributors, who will receive and convert them. Some potential customers have even talked about it and paid the deposit online. They only need the distributor to provide follow-up services and then split the account with the factory.

Another phenomenon is that at present, many home type enterprises have opened consultation entrances on platforms such as official websites, self-media, Jingdong Tmall stores, etc., such as booking amount rooms, booking design and drawing, etc, the order will eventually be allocated to the nearest dealer store.

Or through online coupons, and then to the store to write off; Online orders, stores to pick up goods, etc., to guide customers to the store.

For companies with large online traffic, the amount of customer consultation received online is considerable, which can bring many orders to some stores.

Recently, I saw the semi-annual report of Qumei Home, which mentioned a key message: in order to reverse the situation, Qumei has made many efforts, such as enhancing the online drainage ability, more than 15000 online customers can be pushed to distributors every month; The display content of e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and Jingdong can be optimized to improve traffic conversion.

According to the total amount, there are indeed a lot of 15000 orders per month.

As far as the specific method is concerned, it is not mysterious, that is, live streaming takes goods as a normal marketing method, excavates private traffic, uses WeChat circle of friends, WeChat group, etc. to market customers, and lays out TikTok, new media social platforms such as Kuaishou and Xiaohongshu.

There are some specific methods, such:

1. Cooperate with distributors to do live broadcast, help distributors to build live broadcast platform, remote training, and the headquarters greatly make profits, and launch 0.01 yuan second pillow, 29.9 seconds beech hanger, 39.9 seconds latex pillow and other drainage seckilling items, help dealers drain.

It is said that in more than 2 months, Qumei dealers have conducted more than 2,000 live broadcasts, and more than 1,000 stores have participated, completing nearly 100000 orders.

Previously, from February, Qu Mei started the live broadcast of "Love in spring, Qu Mei's online carnival", which lasted for 20 consecutive days and accumulated 400 + live broadcasts on March 9, more than 1,000 Qumei Home Professional anchors went online, with a total of 10 million + viewers and 60000 + orders.

2. Netizens can generate invitation card (in the form of posters) to share, and then invite more people to pay attention to the live broadcast, and sharers can also get benefits.

3. The Shopping Guide changed to the anchor. More than 1,000 shopping guides went online, recorded short videos and broadcast live online, forming a powerful sound wave.

The advantage of shopping guide as anchor is that it can not only train expression ability, but also ensure that anchor is the person who serves customers. Live broadcast in the store, Qu Mei opened a lot of home living halls before, as a live broadcast room, the effect is really good.

4. Live content focuses on products and solutions: Instead of paying attention to too many words, it provides package solutions, focuses on products, shares in the process of visiting the store, and enhances the sense of bringing in. In the comment area, there are also specialized personnel responsible for answering questions.

5. President live broadcast and Baicheng linkage. Zhao Ruihai, the head of Qu Mei, went into battle in person to introduce the products to bring the goods. At the same time, he organized hundreds of dealer owners across the country to sell the goods together in the live broadcast room.

Cooperate with some drainage measures, such as buying dressing mirror pieces worth 632 yuan at 99 yuan. Buy customized and get whole house furniture as well as a variety of live room packages.

6. The micro-mall of "Qu Mei Youpin Hui" has been built (supported by likes). You can purchase single items and packages online, and you can make free reservation for door-to-door room measurement, design scheme and rendering.

Mengjie's "one House of Good Goods" online mall is also quite famous. Distributors can not only open stores on the platform and sell all products of Mengjie, but also be used to develop members, publish promotional activities and bring online customers to the store.

For example, every marketing activity, Mengjie will open multiple warm-up communities to help dealers operate fans. After attracting new customers, distributors urge new customers to place orders and re-purchase through hot products.

Moreover, when placing an order on the platform, customers can choose the store to pick up, and then dealers will have the opportunity to activate other purchase requirements from the store customers.

In the Matter of draining to the store, Shangpin Home Collection is a long-term person and has been doing it for many years. They set up a special traffic platform, from Xinju network, search engine to public number, short video number and so on, incubating dozens of large-sized, signing nearly 300 home masters, the whole network short video powder 0.12 billion is used for drainage.

Generally, it is a measure gauge chance to get customer sales leads online, and then transfer the information to the franchisees. The franchisees will connect to the service.

However, this business information has to be charged. From 2014 to 2018, this part of the fee for franchisees to guide the flow roughly doubled. By 2019, O2O drainage service received 0.131 billion yuan.

According to public information, in March 202020, compared with the highest peak in last month, the number of Shangpin Home collection opportunities obtained online in measure gauge increased by 50%.

During the Double 11, EASTROC also announced the drainage of stores. It is said that 10801 customers were drained, which contributed to a 37 percent increase in the volume of stores dispatching orders. At 618 this year, EASTROC also posted the dispatch situation. 28450 prospective customers were obtained online, with a year-on-year increase of 199 percent compared with 618 last year.

In the traditional practice, we also know that manufacturers have to find ways to empower distributors, and they will come up with various supporting policies to attract distributors to join in.

However, in most cases, the promotional empowerment is only advertising support, product support, promotion support, store decoration subsidies, free training, etc.

It is definitely not enough to put it into the current situation. We must find ways to establish a traffic pool that can drain dealers. It is expected to become a standard configuration for manufacturers to cooperate, and it is also an effective way to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.

Brand manufacturers who can achieve this level and have such strength can be called God's help for the development of e-commerce business and the strengthening of dealer channels.

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(Article Source: Big material research, invasion and deletion)