The Landing Delivery Capability of High Fixed Tuyere Is the Key to Win

Gao Ding, a noun representing the highest level in the fashion industry, is now a little hot in the home industry, and some "pseudo-Gao Ding" aimed at increasing the premium emerge one after another, let the so-called high-definition home market in China mix. Although there is no industry standard for the time being, if we take the evaluation standard of the fashion industry to observe the current high-definition of Chinese home furnishing, the people who are really qualified are few and far-fetched.

"The real high-end customization is facing the current situation of weak consumption awareness and low turnover rate. It is hard to say whether high-end customization is blue ocean, but it relies heavily on the execution of the landing team, including private design, accurate measurement, systematic management, flexible production, and absolute delivery guarantee with exquisite technology and craftsman spirit." The chairman of an enterprise that has positioned high-end customization and achieved a near-leading position in the industry said frankly that they were walking on thin ice, in awe, and dared not to speak boldly to represent Gao Ding. Gao Ding is not only a differentiated word at the marketing level, but also a super system with such a humble head. How can the bull, ghosts and snakes brag about their confidence?


(Image Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)


if the raw materials are not high enough, it can be called Gao Ding.

Those who have no experience in traditional home decoration cannot be well assembled.

It is not really high-quality delivery

I have to tell the truth about the hot phenomenon of "high definition" in the industry. From the propaganda of many high definition enterprises, I have to use international imported plates, imported hardware, string red stone plate, high-end marble, good-looking aluminum alloy, stainless steel, glass, high-grade paint and other descriptions are mainly described, and it seems that high-grade raw materials can represent high-grade.

Just like a suit of Chinese clothing does not represent nobility, senior is a way of life. High-end home is not the external form of fully armed senior products, but the high class elegant of connotation from the bones. To some extent, high-end home customer-made is a process that integrates a series of top-level services based on exquisite products to meet the sense of advanced experience, it is also an almost perfect result that people pursue for home life scenes.

High-end home customer-made service is a full-cycle behavior, which must go through the self-appeal expression of customized demanders; Based on the deep communication and conceptual interaction of senior designers on the demander's humanity, emotion, lifestyle, etc, expanded space scene planning; Functional deepening design of various life scenes carried out by the design team; As well as the processing & Selection and supply of extreme household products, extreme construction process supervision and on-site installation control; And achieve full-cycle manager-style response, the whole case delivers infinitely close to 100% of what you see is what you get standard commitment of deep service. Each link reaches the ultimate self-demanding, which can be called Gao Ding.

From the perspective of the operation of the business model, providing advanced household products made of high-configuration raw materials to users is only a service that solves the functions of a small part of life scenes; however, what high-end home customer-made consumers want is a complete full-featured configuration service, which doomed the service providers to combine various household products to meet the complex functions and aesthetic demands of the complete household space, it is the whole process from combined products to multi-product Construction & installation and delivery. This service is called "whole package" or "whole case" in our industry ".

As we all know, up to now, supply chain-style assembly without overall space delivery has many problems. Even if the assembly enterprises with traditional home decoration experience, the construction delivery reputation is relatively better, however, it is far from the real high-definition users' demanding degree of delivery standards.

However, at present, some furniture factories with only the supply capacity of finished furniture products or custom cabinet factories with certain construction delivery capacity essentially only have the delivery capacity of some household products, there is no space for construction delivery at all. In the whole cycle, only some third-party cooperation organizations have been signed in the service chain, and they are also known as gao ding one after another, it can be imagined what will be the final delivery result of the whole case order?

At the 25th China International Furniture Fair in Shanghai, the overall decoration experience booth of Di Xin, which displayed the representative work of Di Xin-"Summer lavender" custom home series, was surrounded by viewers, in front of the functional bar area, several young designers watched the design and craft carefully while communicating, "it was for studying at his home that they came to see the exhibition".

Indeed, dexin, who advocates "gorgeous simplicity", has become an industry-recognized advanced brand with the best reputation, the most advanced sense, and the integration of independent finished products, customization and assembly. It is no exaggeration to say that if the category of "high definition of Chinese home furnishing" must be divided, then Dexin exists as a textbook. At this exhibition of works, Dexin threw out their cognition of Gao Ding: Gao Ding = high-specification products + high-standard services, and Gao Ding's essence of home was implementing service power on the ground, it cannot be easily controlled by decades of exquisite basic skills and professional team service.


(Image Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)


from dicin R & D and mode iteration path

see how the high-definition supply chain is developed.

In order to forge the comprehensive service capability of advanced private customization, the technology research and development of Dixin enterprise mentioned in the previous order is extended to the road, or it is worth reference:

40 years ago, Liang Shaoxi, chief architect of Dixin, began to participate in the initial wave of real estate construction and family decoration in Hong Kong before starting his own business. He dabbled in a wide range of work types. As an apprentice, he had already had masons, carpentry, electrician and other skills reserve the bottom technical ability of the decision-making level for the later opening of dixin's home decoration business.

30 years ago, during the period of returning to Dongguan to set up dicin factory, in order to pursue the ultimate quality and beauty of finished furniture, it opened a comprehensive approach to Taiwan, Japan, italy and other advanced cultures and enterprises seek to learn. At this stage, Dixin has developed the supply capacity of top products.

Twenty years ago, in order to improve the system Art Gallery of furniture, Dexin was the first to explore the scene display mode of suite furniture specialty stores in China, from then on, liang shaoxi personally led the exhibits of all stores in the country to the scene to carry out the control field, and developed the style paradigm of a face of di xin's national retail stores. At this stage, the Dexin home scene exhibition hall of star hotels has gradually become the holy place for clock-in, with its own show ability.

Ten years ago, in order to achieve the effect of what you see is what you get in the finished home, users can enjoy the wonderful experience of five-star hotels at home at all times, liang Shaoxi started the research and development of the overall home improvement system based on the classic finished furniture of dicin, which has been accumulated for more than ten years so far, it has created thousands of finished home product models and advanced custom home series solutions with strong family style temperament, as well as launched free master custom design services and patented product construction solutions, it has created a precedent for the transformation and customization of furniture manufacturing enterprises. At this time, di xin already had the full delivery capability of high quality customized and complete packages. In the same period, di xin liang shaoxi's valuation in design has reached tens of millions, becoming a brand totem and industry benchmark.

Di xin's inheritance of the spirit and experience of more than 60 years of special research, as well as more than 40 years of expertise, drives the enterprise output to be iteratively upgraded from "product-scenario-space-service, with ingenuity and extreme craftsmanship as the achievement of top brands, it also forged the advanced sense of Dixin's home decoration gene.

In particular, Liang Shaoxi, founder of dicin, integrates the three identities of senior interior designer, furniture product designer and successful entrepreneur, and is still active in the front line of home decoration design, personally lead the team to provide 1-to-1 home improvement service for more than 200 groups of di xin users every year, which is extremely scarce in china's home furnishing industry.

However, up to now, it is difficult for us to classify Dixin into any single attribute category of furniture enterprises, customization enterprises or home decoration enterprises. He is a company with research and development at the product and space levels, comprehensive complex enterprise with super ability of production, marketing and service. In the sense of industry, this kind of innovative enterprise form is also a kind of dimensionality reduction blow to traditional furniture manufacturing factories, which is hard to follow and imitate.


deliverability is the most important criterion for high determination.

Delivery depends on product strength and team strength.

In the latest interview, he also obtained a special metaphor from Mr. Liang Shaoxi, the founder and chief designer of dicin, for such services as Gao Ding, assembly and whole case, he made an example comparison and deduction between the evolution path of "furniture-soft outfit-complete outfit" in the pan-household industry and the service path of "medicine-mild illness-serious illness" in the medical industry, very vivid and profound, details as shown.


(Image Source: Pan home network, invasion and deletion)

from the above model, we can see that in the medical field, the essential work of pharmaceutical factories is to output standard finished drugs and supply them to the back-end medical system. For pharmaceutical factories, production and marketing are separated, R & D and manufacturing are also separated from the application guidance of products.

However, our current home decoration industry is becoming more and more chaotic. In order to broaden the market, some furniture manufacturing factories have begun to expand and expand, and they have started to organize supply chain sources by channel providers, what's more, they have done the essential work of service providers. In fact, in order to increase the business boundary of manufacturing enterprises and expand downstream business with the length of derivative industrial chain, it is theoretically a thing that can be carried out, however, not all enterprises have such strength Foundation and continuous investment ability. Just as not all customized enterprises can be called Gao Ding, not all enterprises can upgrade the whole package.

In order to achieve perfect delivery, in addition to extreme products, in terms of service power, there is now a set of programs very similar to the manpower allocation in specialized hospitals in the organizational structure of Dixin's internal services. Taking an overall home improvement customer order as an example, Dixin quickly set up a project Service team from the beginning of receiving the order. Each order will be guided by Liang Shaoxi, who can be called the professor of home decoration, leading the design master main knife, he has a group of people with functions similar to hospital chief doctors, attending doctors, surgical assistants, anesthesiologists and senior nursing. Dixin project team members are from the headquarters scheduling manager, city project leader, Senior graphic designer, senior deepening designer, construction drawing designer, design assistant, supply chain procurement logistics group, construction execution group, financial security group and other dozens of people work together in a work group. The project, plan, transparency, and progress in the task team are synchronized with the same frequency. The problem is claimed and responded immediately. The whole service cycle is like a beautiful long operation, and the user experience is like the stars holding the moon, I feel that handing over the house decoration to the Di Xin team is as trustworthy as trusting my body to the medical surgery team.

Many people are worried about the workload and inheritance problems of Dr. main knife Liang Shaoxi. Through such a flat organizational structure, Di Xin's manpower began to train and grow in echelon mode, the organization is constantly endogenous and fission, and its bearing capacity is beyond imagination. At present, di xin, the leader of liang shaoxi, can start several home improvement cases nationwide in the same period of the next day, just as a hospital can start several operations at the same time under the leadership of a specialist professor. Under such a mechanism, it is not excluded that several "new generation liang shaoxi" will be born in dixin in the future, just as top luxury brands always have chief designers who lead the brand to move forward continuously at different stages; just as the specialized departments of the hospital always have new professors who are well-trained and able to replace them, leading main knife.

Few people doubt the service ability of a surgical team, and the most untrustworthy in the field of home decoration is the service ability. However, it is understood that the service satisfaction of the Di Xin home improvement team across the country is almost 100%, and many home improvement users eventually become good friends who care about the development of Di Xin brand and Liang Shaoxi's personal health, at this level, the services built by Dexin even surpass the value of an enterprise brand itself.

Pan home network observed all the way. At profit-making period, Di Xin never called himself customized in the industry. When the high wind blew up, he didn't see his arty style, however, before these waves came, it tempered out the top-level customized and packaged products and services that made the industry respect teachers and worship.

Enterprises that are really at the top of the high definition do not claim how high they are, but are deeply cultivated in practical actions. The true meaning of Gao Ding is to customize life, and the service provider finally delivers the life style that the customer wants to achieve with product and service. However, generally speaking, at present, on the basis of delivery force, enterprises with lifestyle leading and single digit are only considered by the author. However, the author personally thinks that such brands as dixin have reached a high level to a certain extent.

(Article Source: Pan home network, author, Chen Qiuli, invasion and deletion)