Is Aldehyde-Free Addition a Joke? But I Can't Laugh!

"Aldehyde-free addition", or its short name "aldehyde-free", is the hottest topic in the custom home industry recently, and it is also the most magical farce, none of which. Whether it is "aldehyde-free addition" or "aldehyde-free", it can still be used as a marketing selling point today, which is ridiculous, pitiful and helpless.

Wen | Zhuang Chenhao


(Image Source: creative, invasion and deletion)

this is a manuscript added without typos.


ridiculous: take the benchmark as a selling point

speaking of "formaldehyde-free addition", in fact, the floor industry and the wooden door industry has played a game several years ago.

The customization industry has gone from the original particleboard and the later E1 grade boards to the so-called aldehyde-free adding boards with many names today, but they are actually one thing, but they have just entered cut-off scores, which is really not worth boasting; the more powerful the blowing, the more it is confirmed that the previous urea-formaldehyde Rubber Board is harmful to health.

It is undeniable that some enterprises in the industry actually joined the army of "aldehyde-free addition" passively. This part of the enterprise has already provided the "formaldehyde-free addition" plate that abandoned urea-formaldehyde glue, but there is no large-scale publicity; But recently, all brands in the industry are blowing formaldehyde-free, it seemed inappropriate not to announce "joining" any more, so I had to "force" to rub the heat and press the name of the "aldehyde-free addition" board used before to get into battle again.

It took so long for the customization industry to finally pass the board. Is it really worth such a big blow? It's ridiculous to think about it. However, behind the ridiculous, we can see the sorrow of the industry better.


poor: "aldehyde-free addition" has nothing to do with customized enterprises

if 2001 is regarded as the first year of customized home furnishing, then the industry has developed for 20 years. By 2020, what the industry can use as a selling point has become a "plate" again. What kind of customization is it? Just change its name to a plate agent, is this really the only thing customized enterprises can get? No, it's not pitiful.

You should know that plate is the core of "formaldehyde-free addition", but plate is not independently developed and produced by customized enterprises, but provided by third-party plate suppliers. No matter how healthy these plates are, it is the credit of the third-party plate suppliers. Anyone can purchase them. They are not the patents of customized enterprises, nor can they be used as "core weapons.

The only "significant contribution" of customized home furnishing enterprises is that they have given various names to the same kind of "formaldehyde-free addition" plate; Its only function is probably to create asymmetric information and confuse consumers.

Customization enterprises can exert their efforts in many directions. For example, they can be consistent with standard furniture in terms of workmanship quality, more efficient and intuitive in pre-sales experience, more accurate in delivery, and reduce the probability of manual errors, more scientific and professional in space utilization...... These are the competitiveness that customized enterprises can get. Today, I still regard myself as a plate seller, isn't it pitiful?

While the industry is poor, Chinese consumers are really poor. It is 2020 now, but the "aldehyde-free addition" is still attractive to them. Because buying home building materials for decoration, we still have to worry about whether formaldehyde exceeds the standard and whether it is harmful to health. This is just like buying milk powder to guard against Melamine. It was totally unreasonable, but in some time and space, it became the norm.

This is probably one of the reasons why customized enterprises can still publicize the original "bottom line" as a treasure. Do you think it is pitiful.

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helpless: The meaning of being upright

although the farce of "aldehyde-free addition" is ridiculous and pitiful, it does have the meaning of existence, which is the helplessness of the whole industry and the helplessness of consumers.

After all, there are still many enterprises in the entire customization industry using urea-formaldehyde glue plates with aldehyde addition, ignoring consumers' health in order to save costs. If this wave of "adding drama" can turn "formaldehyde-free adding" into the entry threshold of the customized industry, it will be regarded as a crooked and curve to save the country.

Because of this, although "formaldehyde-free addition" is a joke, I can't laugh.

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(Article Source: Sina home-public number, invasion and deletion)

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