What Should Customers Do If They Have Objections? Excellent Doors and Windows Sales All Do This!

In the process of furniture sales, it is natural to encounter customers' objections to the products. First of all, we must understand that there is no product sales to customers without customers' objection to products, so a correct sales mentality is the premise, which is also part of furniture training.


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to properly handle customers' objections and complaints, we need to pay attention to the preparation in advance and formulate standard answers to the doubts given by customers so as to avoid temporary confusion. First, we must know the following facts:

customers come to our store with their needs and purchase purposes (including potential purchases);

before the customer came to the store, he must have visited other stores with similar products (even investigated online). He came to the store because he was not assured or satisfied;

most customers have come to our store many times, including our store;

no customer is willing to buy homogeneous products at a higher price (except stars and big money, their time is more expensive than money!);

the customer is always right, so he is afraid that he is really wrong on the surface;

no one who doesn't like to be someone else's teacher will always be professional in some aspect;

no consultant is here to buy "anger". They hope to share the happiness and happiness of his family!

Principles and attitudes for answering questions and handling objections

principles for handling objections

customers are always right; Respect the rights and interests of customers and give customers positive stimulation of "satisfaction. Customers can communicate; Lead customers out of misunderstanding, take responsibility and eliminate differences and conflicts. Customer rights and interests should be maintained, complaints should be heard, and effective remedial measures should be implemented in a timely manner.

Big things become small, and small things avoid the expansion of the situation. Remember that handling is greater than complaining.

Attitude towards customer dissent

first of all, when customers raise objections, you should convert each objection into a customer's question:

for example, when a customer says to you, "your product is too expensive." Hearing this sentence, you have to convert it into a customer asking you, "Please tell me why your product is worth so much money?" Or: "Please tell me, why is it worthwhile for me to spend so much money on your products?"

secondly, the shopping guide should have a correct attitude: there is nothing terrible about the customer's objection, and every objection of the customer is to make you climb to the ladder of success. Every time you lift one of the customer's objections, you have taken a step towards the goal of success.

Steps to answer questions and handle objections

1. Listen carefully to customers' objections;

2. Ask customers politely about the reasons for their doubts and confirm whether their understanding is correct;

3. Carefully understand the reasons stated or implied by the customer, and then answer them;

4. Explain and clarify doubts caused by misunderstanding or suspicion, and provide corresponding evidence;

5. For complaints and complaints, we should admit mistakes positively and correct them with actions to strive for customers' recognition and understanding;

6. Check the customer's reaction to see if the customer's attitude has changed.

Skills in handling customer objections

understand the real reason why customers disagree

in some cases, customers' superficial objections cannot be called real objections. Our job is to find out whether these objections are unwilling or not after customers raise objections.

For example, when the price of a customer's product is "too expensive", we need to make sure what is the meaning of "too expensive", which is unbearable? Or is it too expensive compared with competitors?

Listen patiently when customers raise objections.

No matter the objection raised by the customer, you have heard it hundreds or thousands of times, you still have to patiently let the customer finish his objection and do not interrupt the customer when listening, when he has finished completely, you can answer him patiently.

Determine the customer's objection and use questions instead of answers.

Whenever a customer raises an objection, for example, "it's too expensive", you can ask him, "Excuse me, sir/miss, do you think our products are too expensive?" When the customer answered yes, you further asked, "Why do you think our products are too expensive?" When the customer answers, you should patiently and carefully examine the true meaning behind him and remove it at the same time.

In the face of customer objections, express agreement and sincere thanks.

You can refer to the following words as your opening remarks. No matter the customer raises any objection, you should first say: "Sir/miss, I am very able to understand these things you said and your consideration, at the same time, the problems you mentioned are also very important. I think we should really study these problems well." Then you begin to dismiss these objections.

Methods of answering questions and handling objections

positive methods can use positive techniques to directly tell customers that they are wrong. Of course, few customers are willing to hear people say they are wrong, so they must be careful. If the objection arises from an incorrect understanding of the product, it can be handled as follows:

"Sir/miss, I'm sorry I didn't express clearly just now, actually it is like this......"

providing evidence in a positive and direct way is also the most effective, such:

customer: "Will your sofa frame break after a long time?"

shopping Guide: "Absolutely not. Our frame is made of Northeast hard Miscellaneous wood without decay, Moth, Scar, bark or Burr. Compared with the frame of ordinary materials, it must not be the same day. Please think about it. We need to use a sofa for more than ten years. One is hard Miscellaneous wood that will never break, and the other is Plywood. Which one would you choose?" The tone of counterquestion is very important, because if you have confidence, you will give customers confidence, so the tone must be firm.

Methods of making up

when the objection part raised by the customer is correct, the method of making up is effective. Yes...... ,......" The method. You should try your best to make sure that the factors to make up are really very important. It is best to make up for the strongest advantage of the product. If this advantage is added, the effect will be better.

The compensation method is effective in many aspects:

it avoids the harm of direct quarrels to customers, "Yes......, But......" The skills allow the salesperson to agree with the other party first, and then smoothly lead to the reason for the purchase;

first agree that the other party can eliminate the other party's alert, shift the focus, and emphasize other benefits;

the reason why the compensation skills are effective is that customers know that there are no products that fully meet their needs, and even if there are, the price may be very high.

Indirect negative method

for example, when customers compare our products with competitors, our prices are not dominant. This is the best way for us to ask him the same question: "Sir/miss, we really need to consider the price when buying products, but when you consider the price, you will also notice that the quality of the product is very important, do you think so?" So wait a minute, you will understand that our products are not expensive at all, and they are absolutely worth the money.

Through indirect denial, the salesperson does not directly say that the customer is wrong, but first keeps consistent with the customer's point of view to weaken the other party's alert and then correct the objection.

The method of feeling

"Feeling" is especially effective for easy-going and emotional people, but it may cause resentment for analytical and subjective people. Sensory skills are particularly effective when customers cannot understand specific advantages and benefits.

Preemptible method

the salesperson objected in advance and raised the objection in advance. We should be good at summarizing the types of customers' objections in the sales process. Common objections are nothing more than three aspects:

① the product itself. ② Price: for example, the price is too high. ③ service: for example, the service is not timely. In response to these objections, we must organize a complete explanation plan and explain it to customers in advance.

For example, our brand only makes genuine leather full leather sofa. If we don't explain in advance that customers may feel too expensive or become the place where competitors attack us, so we should give priority to our ancestors.

-- Sir/miss, leather sofas are divided into full leather sofa and half leather sofa, each set of full leather sofa consumes the leather equivalent to 10 scalpers, which is of high value and has good air permeability and environmental protection performance, full leather sofa is widely used in developed countries such as Europe and America.

Half leather sofa PU leather or artificial leather PVC is used to replace cowhide on the back, bottom and other hidden parts of the sofa, thus reducing the cost of the sofa and the price is lower."

in this way, first leave an impression on the customer full leather sofa difference from half Peel. When customers ask to see other brands again, you must emphasize the benefits of full leather sofa again and do not give competitors opportunities.

-- "Sir/miss, our sofas are all full leather sofa and are made of imported cowhide or first layer leather. If you buy a 'leather' sofa with a price of about 3,000 yuan, you must open your eyes. This sofa must be half leather sofa and the fabric is mostly leather-proof or pigskin fabric with no guaranteed quality." In this way, when other brands attack your products at high prices, customers will not be shaken.

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methods of self-eating

after the customer raises an objection, we should follow his words: "Sir/miss, this is also the real reason why you want to buy our products." Convert the customer's objection into the real reason why he bought this product.

For example: when the customer's ×× brand sofa cushion is soft and your cushion is hard, you can tell him: "Sir/miss, just because our cushion is hard, therefore, you should buy our products." At this time, customers will be surprised and say, "Why?" At this moment, you begin to explain our product design, what benefits the cushion will bring to customers if it is too hard, and what harm will it do if the cushion is too soft.

(Article Source: furniture micro News-Public number, invasion and deletion)