Guanniu Solid Wood Door Posing as Wooden Door

We found in Baidu that some netizens did comment on some pretending situations of Crown wooden doors on the forum. Said Yes: I bought two red oak wooden door at Guanniu wooden door, but door set was composite. The store and manufacturer asked me to add 3600 yuan to replace two wooden door door set, which was replaced at door set. How can I protect my rights, such a big enterprise as Guanniu is also so nonsense.

The following figure shows:


At the same time, some netizens reported:

Recently, Mr. Jiang complained to Hangzhou network that he bought 13 Guanniu brand wooden door at a price of 45985 yuan in the new era home life Square. When receiving the goods, he found that there were veneers and splices on the so-called wooden door, which was not a veritable wooden door. Mr. Jiang found the merchant theory. The merchant said, "we are doing this for your own good, for the sake of beauty and not easy to deform". The angry Mr. Jiang had nothing to say.

Wooden door to compound solid wooden door

Mr. Jiang revealed to the reporter that he had considered installing wooden door at home to be both classy and environmentally friendly, so he paid a large price for wooden door. It happened that the marketing staff of Guanniu wooden door recommended to him that his own wooden door is cheaper than other stores, but the door frame has a small stitching. Mr. Jiang thought that small places were not in the way. The door leaf was made of logs, and it was better to save a little.

During the installation, Mr. Jiang found that the splicing place was not only the door frame, but also the inside of the door face, and the back of the door was pasted.

Mr. Jiang thought that he was wrong because his definition of wooden door was not clear enough? He checked the definition of wooden door on the Internet: wooden door refers to wooden doors made from selected natural imported wood, the main feature is that the materials of each department of the door leaf are the same tree and the inside and outside are the same. Generally, imported timber is used, without deformation, cracking, splicing, and peeling.

Distributor: this move is good for consumers


Mr. Jiang asked the dealer to question, but got the dealer's answer like this: "We did this for your own good, and helped you stick a skin to make the door more beautiful and not easy to deform."

The dealer's explanation made Mr. Jiang very angry, "then isn't it composite door? Why do you sell it as wooden door? Isn't this cheating our consumers? Or is it good for our consumers?"

The new era home Plaza is not handled in a timely manner, and consumers are required to do identification.

Mr. Jiang then found a complaint about home life in the new era, and the person who received his complaint recommend an authentication institution. After that, there was no news.

Mr. Jiang spent 2500 yuan to ask the agency to identify it. Sure enough, he came to the conclusion that it was not wooden door.

The reporter of Hangzhou net accompanied Mr. Jiang to find the new era home life Square again. The Minister of Operation promised Mr. Jiang that he would deal with Mr. Jiang's complaint as soon as possible after in-depth investigation and try his best to satisfy Mr. Jiang, he also said that he would strengthen the supervision of leasing merchants in the future.

Mr. Jiang asked a door to return 1,000 yuan, and the appraisal fee of 2,500 yuan was borne by the dealer. In the new era, he said that he would contact the distributor as soon as possible and reply to the Hangzhou network reporter. After 4 days, when the reporter published the manuscript, there was still no clear answer to this matter.

The inspection report presented by Mr. Jiang to the Hangzhou network reporter

The identification result showed that a batch of doors purchased by Mr. Jiang did not meet the requirements of wooden door.

Hangzhou network reporter and Mr. Jiang came to the new era home Square to coordinate and deal with this matter

At the same time, we also noticed that some conscientious netizens replied as follows:

Guanniu southwest region 2015-05-29 15:50

The doors in the market are divided into two categories: one is composite door, for example, montian, TATA is this kind of brand; The second is solid wood door, solid wood door is divided into log processing and solid wood finger connection technology in terms of technology. Raw wood processing door material instability wood moisture content change door is easy to crack deformation, solid wood finger joint process solid wood door overcome the deformation of wood and the stress inside the wood, the door edge is not easy to crack deformation. Guanniu wooden door refers to the connecting process wooden door, which uses Dabao wood paint and has been improved especially according to the technological characteristics of Guanniu, which is not available on the market. The paint effect of Guanniu wooden door is one of the best in the wooden door industry!

However, the above article was published in 2011, and there should be no situation in recent years that solid wood door is composite door.