Soul Torture: Manufacturers All Want to Learn Huawei. Who Do Door and Window Dealers Want to Learn?

If you ask, who are the Enterprise benchmark models that the whole country is learning now? There is no doubt that it is Huawei.

Huawei became famous before the sino-us trade war. After the sino-us trade war broke out last year, huawei was pushed to the forefront. Huawei ren zhengfei also became a national hero who worshiped and learned by all people!

The author's fossil brother very much recognizes this learning boom, which is much more reliable than the current fans who are popular with some so-called traffic stars. It is more reliable than the success study of Chen Anzhi in the past ten years, Liu Yiyi's so-called wisdom, I don't know how many times to be strong! Huawei enterprises are the backbone of the Chinese nation and the future of Chinese enterprises!


(The picture comes from the creative idea of taking a letter, invasion and deletion)

the author, brother fossil, checked it online. Now there are about 50 books written by Huawei, which interpret Huawei from various dimensions such as corporate culture, management, technology and human resources. At present, there are also many "Huawei methodology" training courses on the market, most of which are inviting Huawei's retired executives to go into battle personally to interpret Huawei's success. In Chinese enterprises, there is now a climax of learning Huawei in an all-round way, which is really gratifying!

Huawei's culture, philosophy and management have brought many changes to Chinese enterprises, such as Huawei's "striver-oriented", "allowing people who can hear gunfire to command artillery", "Gray management", "Entropy increase", "IPD" (technology research and development process) and other famous sayings and management concepts have become familiar hot words in Chinese business circles, and many enterprises have introduced them to varying degrees. For example, Fotile of the outstanding tens of billions of enterprises in the home appliance industry introduced Huawei's IPD process, allowing Fotile products to continue to innovate, continue to lead, and achieve remarkable results.

Huawei has played an important role in leading the overall management concept of Chinese enterprises and improving the management level!

The author fossil brother believes that we are not learning Huawei to become Huawei, because Huawei's success has a strong personal gene of founder Ren Zhengfei, as well as the time, location and people at that time. These success factors, it is difficult to copy. However, Huawei can learn from and copy many management concepts, management methods and management methods.

We learn Huawei, not to become the next Huawei, this is impossible, but to become a better self!

As a lot of home building materials enterprise manufacturers, are learning Huawei, Then distributors learn who?

Distributors are not unable to learn Huawei, but Huawei is too far away from them. Just like China, the lofty goal is communism, but at this stage it must take the socialist road with Chinese characteristics. As a home distributor different from home building materials manufacturers, there are about 2 million people in China. The example that 2 million home building materials distributors learn and follow should be visible and tangible, I am a distributor like myself, the best distributor in China.

The author's fossil brother entered the home building materials industry in 2008. In the home building materials industry, the legend of the first largest household business is spread: he is the first major merchant of the OP system, gao jin, the founder of fanhua building materials and home furnishing group, broke through the 1 billion sales mark in 2017 in beijing single city single brand and became the best home furnishing distributor in china. The sales volume has far exceeded that of many second and third tier home furnishing brand manufacturers.

Advanced management concepts and methods are only learned and disseminated in the OP system. There are only scattered and dotted pieces of information in the home industry, such as the manager's core system, joint promotion system, rotation competition system, etc. The author fossil brother contacted a dealer in the OP system in 2017, he praised the core system of the store manager of Gao Jin, and the author also learned some fur.

By chance, in 2020, the author came into contact with teacher zhou gang, one of the partners who had followed the advanced system for more than 8 years, and had in-depth communication with teacher zhou gang. Everyone had a good talk and hit it off: why not summarize and refine the high-level business model and use systematic training courses to empower the distributors of China's home building materials 2 million? Let more distributors in China become big merchants like High progress, improve the management level of distributors in the whole household industry, and promote the benign and sustainable development of the whole household industry?

Huawei's management system was summarized as "Huawei's Big Dipper management system" by senior executives who left Huawei's system ".


(Image Source: Three-grain rice education-public number, invasion and deletion)

teacher zhou gang and my fossil brother, with the initial intention of creating more high-quality big merchants in the home furnishing industry and promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the home furnishing industry, set up a home furnishing big merchants study club, after more than three months of systematic research and development, the high-level management system has been highly summarized and refined, and has become the business model of "big business profit G9 system". From the three sectors of high growth, high growth and high profit, nine modules to comprehensively, systematically and deeply improve the operation and management ability and level of distributors.


(Image Source: Three-grain rice education-public number, invasion and deletion)

still that sentence, we learn to advance, not to become the next advance, because this is impossible, but to become a better self!

As long as our distributors are better than themselves and competitors in the past, it is enough.

In the past ten years, the home furnishing industry has been reshuffling for ten years. As a result, no one has washed it off. No matter it is a big manufacturer, a small manufacturer, a big distributor or a small distributor, it is full of water and a small river, life is nourishing. But in 2020, the shuffle of the home furnishing industry started: not only the elimination of home building materials manufacturers began, but also the elimination of dealers. In the next ten years, only big brands will be unified, and only big merchants will be alone!

(Article Source: Three-grain rice education-public number, invasion and deletion)