Hundreds of Home Building Materials Enterprises Grab Orders Nationwide during the Golden Autumn Season

At present, home building materials enterprises that have opened a single battle have only considered factory brands, and more than 100 enterprises have been able to query information through open channels.

According to the situation in previous years, the battle for the national day is generally overwhelming.

However, this year's war situation was more intense. In September, several large-scale marketing activities were launched. After the recovery of the epidemic, some dealers maintained high-intensity marketing actions every month.

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 100 home building materials enterprises that have already opened a single battle, only considering factory brands, and can query information in public channels.

If you count the activities organized by distributors around the country, the number may be tens of thousands, that is, almost every city has a large number of merchants who are fully fighting.

Among them, many companies such as JOMOO, WRIGLEY, and oupai all posted battle reports and showed their muscles. No matter what the situation is, this practice of drying the battle results can indeed shore up confidence, dare to show itself is a kind of courage.

On September 19, the Quanzhou headquarters station of the 919-year bathroom live broadcast Festival on JOMOO was launched, and Lin Xiaofa and Dong Mingzhu were sitting in town in person.


(Image Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

the post-event report showed that the omni-channel sales in JOMOO exceeded 1.1 billion yuan. The number of views on the whole platform exceeded 10 million. This live festival was attended by a number of political and commercial personnel.

In addition to making full efforts to sell, a public welfare activity was launched on the spot. The method was: for every order sold, 1 yuan was donated to help "protect the health public welfare plan for teachers and students with love".

This detachable lining, Lin Xiaowei, who has a relatively high appearance rate this year, once again acted as the anchor, together with Zhao Xiaodong, a gynecological expert in Beijing hospital, and Wang Youyi, An anorectal expert in Peking University People's Hospital, explaining i9pro intelligent sterilization toilet, i4 magic bubble smart toilet, etc., highlighting sterilization, deodorization and other functions.

And take on the trend of national tide to launch chaoting series; Join hands with Tebu, SEPTWOLVES, SKSHU, Huaxiang Garden, etc. to share traffic. It is observed that since this year, alliances between factories and distributors have become more common, often with five or six brands working together to do activities and share traffic.

Oupai's war reports have been in the sun, giving people a feeling of being overwhelmed. One of them is the president's live promotion.

Time back to September 9th, the European anchor Group was unveiled, which was composed of European environmental protection ambassador Tong Yao, preferred official Wang Xiaoxiao, and vice president Yang Xin. The War Report showed that the live broadcast lasted for 3 hours and more than 40000 orders were received.

This is the third live broadcast of the President. The first two were "the president will arrive, and the direct supplement 0.1 billion"; Sun Li "the price of the mother will arrive, and the price will be a promise of gold".

This time, taking advantage of the hot broadcast of "only 30", Tong Yao, the actor of "Gu Jia", was invited to join the anchor Group. Taking Gu Jia as the origin, the European School launched a set of attitude posters, such as "giving children a better starting point, this is my mother's practice"; "The smaller the living space, the smaller the human pattern."

in order to help the live broadcast, Yang Xin shot the Terminator, coming forward with the Terminator image, implying the Terminator of home improvement troubles. The content of live broadcast is also diversified. In addition to the experience of each set of products by anchors, formaldehyde-free knowledge is popularized in the form of Q & A tests.

It is observed that Yang Xin, vice president, has a relatively high appearance rate this year. He was promoted to the vice president of the group last year, and was in charge of cabinets, wardrobes, sanitary ware, oupai big home, ouboli and other business units, it is already equivalent to an executive spokesperson of the European faction. Another spokesperson was Yao Liangsong, the chairman of the board, who also spoke frequently.

The enterprise cultivates one or two influential figures, can speak out on behalf of the enterprise, and can attract fans. This will be a very cost-effective thing, and it will also help to improve the brand public praise, after all, executives come out to interact with customers, and the sense of trust is naturally enhanced.

As for the big promotion of oupai live broadcast, it is not much different from the past. The focus is on the upgrade of love core board, for example, the 9-25mm double trim board is upgraded for free without aldehyde to add love core board; if you buy an oupai wardrobe with a single value of 30000, you can enjoy 30 yuan and get one square free "aldehyde-Free add love core board".

In addition, there are common modern custom 1599 yuan/square meter, 3999 Yuan to get DE RUCCI SUESS leather bed (mattress) Mengjie sleep home textile. There are also some popular packages available.

WRIGLEY home furnishing is also pushing for activities around the National Day. On September 1, WRIGLEY super brand day will start and will continue until October 8, and various drainage measures and preferential measures will be launched.

Typical methods include: make an appointment to send arrows to the store to customize wooden stools; Place an order in the store to obtain 888 yuan design services; There are also 920 super-quality privilege cards, 9.2 yuan to 920 yuan, 30 yuan off for all purchases over 300.

Weibo is also doing activities, such as taking 920 baths to see love forwarding, and drawing 9 fans to get 9 gifts. JOMOO activities can also be seen on hot searches in some places, focusing on 920 baths and love ".

Another measure is the TikTok competition, with the theme of "Love makes life more intelligent" TikTok national mission. It participated in 100000 cash incentives. 12000 users participated in the creation and contributed 17000, attracted 0.22 billion plays.

Yan Yidan, a WRIGLEY product experience officer, was invited in advance to sing the brand song Wings of Dreams, calling on netizens to participate in the TikTok competition, and some TikTok experts to participate in the competition, driving the overall atmosphere.

Of course, TikTok competition is not only for fun, but also for activities. For example, on the National Task topic page, netizens can click "Get 920 privilege cards and expand your love", learn about super clean series smart toilet, skin beauty shower, smart clothes hanging machine, modern simple bathroom package and other products, and participate in the purchase at the same time.

After Le cross-band veneer came out, I le home also cooperated with the E0 board upgrade formaldehyde-free Add Le cross-band veneer large-scale event, and paid the full amount of customers within the deadline, you can upgrade Le cross-band veneer for free ". If the conditions are not met, you only need Mignon Maimai yuan per square meter to upgrade.

Sofia's National Day activities have also begun, from September 12 to October 8, with the theme of "Kangchun customization, popularization of storms", attracting customers through environmental protection upgrading and profit making.

In terms of specific measures, the focus is on various package promotions and popular products, adding some packages such as partial renewal, 10 square meters of small space, bag check-in, etc. to do homework on the products, for example, the whole house Kangchun universal package is 22 square meters, which costs 19999 yuan. Simi cabinet 8999 yuan/set, robam electrical equipment kitchen ventilator and cooking stove free delivery.

In addition, the 10 ㎡ Space Package is available in a variety of styles. Partial renewal package, living room, bedroom, children's room, balcony and other different spaces. Bag check-in package, that is, large home package, 20 ㎡ furniture home products 12-piece set.

Milos custom revealed that stores in 32 cities across the country are doing the "money raising, gift giving, peace of mind festival" activity, signing more than 300 orders in the first week. Aiyige also made a move to launch the "super pet AI Festival" and held a launching ceremony in Shenyang. Liu Tao helped the team.

The big promotion of Grice tiles introduced TikTok and launched the topic of "keeping your house healthy". Netizens can get a healthy and beautiful house, win gifts such as massaging machine and treadmill, and reward two excellent works to put on dou hot every week, 500 yuan per piece.

Newzhongyuan ceramics, Eagle ceramics and other enterprises have already started the double-festival promotion in various places. For example, Newzhongyuan held a kick-off meeting in Wuhan, which lasted from September 12 to October 8. Champion ceramic tile started the start-up meeting of the Hundred Regiments war in September. Thirteen war zones were established nationwide, and hundreds of independent regiments robbed orders.

During the 11th decoration season, the price will not stop, this is HOLZER the wooden door plan will last from September 13 to October 23. It also cooperated with TikTok activities to do a live broadcast in TikTok. 10.1 yuan seckill hot wooden doors; 100 200 yuan vouchers will be released; participate in interesting Q & A and win awards.

Here we just sort out the deployment of some enterprises to grab orders. September and October are the critical periods in the second half of the year. It is worth the efforts of the enterprises to seize. One is the traditional decoration peak season, second, cross-provincial tourism during this year's long vacation will be affected, which may be beneficial to home decoration.

The front is done, which also lays the foundation for Double 11 and double 12.

(Article Source: China whole wood network, invasion and deletion)

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