See How Custom Home Enterprises Such as Oupai and Sofia Fight for the 11 Th Double Festival"


sofia 11 Oh baby, super price day!

Special offer, missing time and waiting for one year. There are promotions every day, discounts every day, and live broadcasts every day. The activities have been completely normalized and daily.





haolaike continued to play the original environmental protection brand, emphasizing that the original net aldehyde was the first in the industry. In terms of promotion plans, he continued to play the package. Customized soft package is rich in promotional items, making it a big customer order value.


My home

from now until October 27, my home is dedicated to a high-end hot-selling activity of "Happy Double Festival, Golden Autumn Family Time. It is reported that not only the popular kitchen cabinets and the whole house series offer special packages, but also the international famous household appliances and latex mattresses are given free of charge, as well as the aldehyde-free Add Le cross-band veneer upgrade policy, which is full of benefits. It can be said that it is a perfect time to customize an ideal life at this time.

European style home

in a live broadcast in September, ou Pai also launched two major benefits about aldehyde-free environmental protection. Welfare 1: 9-25mm double-decorative board is upgraded free of charge without aldehyde, adding love core board, up to 30 kinds of colors are optional;

welfare 2: If you buy an oupai wardrobe with a single value of 30000 yuan, you can enjoy 30 yuan and get one square meter free "aldehyde-Free add love core board". Of course, in the subsequent National Day live broadcast of oupai, aldehyde-free will still be the highlight.

Oupai launched a live snap-up activity every day on the 11th. Even Yao Liangsong, the chairman of oupai, also came out to bring goods live on the platform for the first time. It can be said that he tried his best.
