Liu Guanzhong, the Father of Chinese Industrial Design, and Guangshen Shi Baoneng · The First Space to Discuss the Future of Design

From September 28 to 29, "The Frontier Theory of top design in Dawan District & the future of design by Liu Guanzhong, the father of Chinese industrial design, and the famous teachers of Guangshen" was grandly held in Baoneng first space.


(Image Source: Sina home, invasion and deletion)

[Invited to visit Baoneng · First Space Phase 2 Creative Design Industrial Park] 』

on the afternoon of September 28, Mr. Yao Chun, general manager of Baoneng first space, welcomed the arrival of special guests such as Mr. Liu Guanzhong, Mr. Fang Zhenpeng, Mr. Xu Muchuan and so on, "The Frontier Theory of top design in Dawan District, and jointly visit Baoneng · First Space Phase 2 Creative Design Industrial Park.


(Image Source: Sina home, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Sina home, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Sina home, invasion and deletion)


(Image Source: Sina home, invasion and deletion)

▲ Mr. Yao Chun, general manager of Baoneng first space, and Ms. Zeng Qingli, assistant general manager, accompanied three teachers to visit the second phase Creative Industrial Park project of Baoneng first space.